If you don't like insects and flying critters, don't scroll down!
Okay, I warned you!
Not yet two hours into Autumn, and I managed to harass a yellowjacket nest while pulling backyard weeds.
Just like a cartoon character, I went running while swatting and yelling!
Thankfully, I didn't have an allergic reaction, and The Hubby kindly dabbed hydrocortisone cream on the bites that I cannot reach between my shoulder blades.
A few moments before, I'd gingerly working around a huge spider's web to avoid damaging it, but forgot to look out for flying insects coming out of the ground.
15 to 20 bites.
Will investigate how to either relocate the underground nest, or kill it without damaging chemicals that will harm other wildlife.
Here's hoping that this means I've already hit my quota of surprising and icky events for Autumn!
Wikipedia says:
Yellowjacket or yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory social wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula.
Members of these genera are known simply as "wasps" in other English-speaking countries.