Monday, February 03, 2025

Gimme Crunchies

It's PO'Monday!

A video from 2015, starring Celestial Pommy and Celestial Sweetie!
The temperatures started at above freezing this day, them kept sinking, with intermittent snow showers.

When this video was taken, we were at 23 degrees F, and it would be bitterly cold by evening.

But that's using human knowledge; outside cats are incredibly adaptable, once they have regular food, water, and shelter.

We worried about them all day, every day.


  1. They looked happy enough under shelter and with their crunchies.

  2. Of course one always wishes one could do more, but feeding even a few outside kitties and ensuring they have a Safe Place, as you do, is a good start.

  3. You do your best to take care of them outside with food and a safe place to stay. When you've done all that and Spring rolls around and they're still with you, you know you've done everything right for an outdoor kitty.

  4. Awww, a wonderful post to remember two special babies.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. They were such wonderful kitties- you took great care of them!

  6. I remember your worries, and we worried with you.

  7. We know what that kind of worry is like. They were sure enjoying their chow.

  8. I think they knew they were loved and that helped.

  9. They were blessed that you took care of them and you were blessed to have them. XO

  10. I think about outsiders Cicero and Arliss, whom I had to leave behind when I moved. I hope they've found another source of food, the poor guys.

  11. Crap. The 'anonymous' was me. I have to type in my name sometimes if I want to be identified...

  12. Thank Cat they had you to feed them. We also know the worrying feelings, especially with that kind of weather🙈Warm Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  13. You are so kind. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....