Saturday, February 08, 2025

The Sparkenator

Sadly, we lost a beloved family member on Thursday.

Sparky lived for over 17 years, and was happy to have his human brothers and sister with him over the recent holidays.

My sister and BIL are heartbroken.

😿 Farewell, Angel Sparkenator 💔

For Caturday, I artified Sparky in Lunapic with the Space filter, then added a vignette.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!


  1. Ahh, so sorry that Sparky had to leave his earthly dwelling. If you have a nice picture, could you send me one and I can try to make a memento for his family.

  2. We can imagine their pain. What a wonderful 17 years it must have been for all of them!


  3. You did beautiful art for the lovely Sparky. I'm sorry to hear that he's an angel now instead of on Earth with his humans.

  4. My condolences to your sister and brother in law. He had a good long life, but that is no consolation when they leave.

  5. we r sorry fur dee loss of dee pupperz sparkenator.

  6. Seventeen years is a long time for a dog but, as always when our loved ones depart, not long enough. Never long enough. Godspeed, Sparky.

  7. I agree with John Bellen. Our family dog lived to seventeen and I still shed tears. We were almost the exact same age. :) Best wishes, my dear.

  8. Run free handsome one, you will be a perfect Angel to watch over your family.

  9. I am so sorry. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  10. We are very sorry to hear of Sparky's loss. Sending gentle purrs and our deepest condolences to your family.

  11. My condolences to all who knew and loved Sparky.

  12. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Angel doggie Sparky. Fly free beautiful Soul🐾😽✨

  13. So so sorry for the loss of darling Sparky. Such a sweet look on Sparky's face and we understand the grief his family feels..


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....