Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Twin peeballs!

Christmas Tree, covered in snow

(Actually, it looks like a mushroom cloud, such as after a nuclear bomb explosion, but that's too militarist and violent for me, even though I just finished reading a book about The Cold War.)
 The three above images are in honor of Trout Talkin Tabbies Blog, who originated the litter box artwork display...

Taa Daa!
Aww, I wouldn't let a Two-zday go by without Da Boyz!
Chili on the left, Manny...with his paw on his brofur and his underwear showing...is right.


  1. Well this is different. Love it. I so remember scooping up this for many years.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  2. The pee pee Tree is purrfect decor for your Loo...maybe Mom can stand it up in the corner.
    Angel Madi always left a cloud of dust too...even though the loo product was supposedly dust free
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Genji occasionally produces heart-shaped pees!

    We love the pic of the boys!

    Tama and Genji

  4. Such wonderful art by some wonderful kitties!

  5. doodz...yur art gal o ree total lee rox de houz....we iz buzzed happee ta see ya carry on wear we leeved off !!! 984 pawz UP !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. We just love the way those boyz hold onto each other!

  7. Oh, Pocket and RS are too funny! Ma said she didn't see 'it' til she read the comment...hehehehee
    I wish I could do some 'art work' too...you kittehs have ALL the funs!
    Ruby ♥

  8. You know, mom has not expressed any appreciation at ALL for my art! I will see if she has smoothed my canvas here in a few minutes and see if I can wring some praise out of her! Manny and CB...you two make mom melt. And I don't even mind. I kinda do too when I see you.

  9. LOL the Tabbies must be very proud of those artworks! I wonder if the twin peeballs are the work of Da Boyz :-) That last photo made me squee! Can they get any cuter?

  10. I can usually tell who did what in the litter-boxes. That's sad - but useful, in terms of health.

  11. So glad you are taking up the art as the Tabbies do. Great work my friends

  12. I've been cleaning out the litter boxes all wrong! There needs to be more observation of artistic expression, apparently :)


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