Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Meowloween!

Sweetie is dressed up in a witch hat; she may be cute, but watch out for those murder mitts!
Look at all the terrific 'All Hallows Eve Giveaway 2020' package items that we won!
Thank you, Noir Kitty Mews Blog!
Can't wait to wear the Grumpy Cat mask, by Aloha Ellie & Co.
Manny is dressed up like Chili Bruce.
Chili Bruce is made up like Celestial Chuck.
Great costumes; you can't tell who is whom! 😹
For a moment of peace,
this video was taken in October 2017.
That's Lake Michigan, as seen from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 29: National Cat Day

Our world changed, on August 29, 2004, when Celestial Angel and Chuck entered our lives.

Nine years later, we began Eastside Cats Blog, as living with cats just became too much fun (and weirdness) to keep to ourselves.

While both The Hubby and I have other hobbies; for him, being grouchy and making excellent food, and for me; reading, yardening, art and architecture, forests and wildflowers, we both accept and proudly commit to being CAT LOVERS!

We are eternally grateful to have cats in our lives, and will do so as long as we draw breath.

What's the most fun, is that we are not alone!  There are other folks out there, with blogs, and stores full of cat things, bookstore cats and library cats...t-shirts with name it!

Here are a few items in our collection of cat stuff:

2020 Calendar from The Dancing Cat
Maneki Neko from Japan, a gift from my boss

Greeting Card from Wendy Berry

Cat Mask and Catzilla hoodie from Skinny Pete's Gourmet Catnip

 Cast iron cat, from Ditto Consignments

Cat scarf, purchased while shopping in Bath, UK in 2018.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Disclaimer: I purchased or was gifted each item featured today for my own use and amusement, and mention the artist and website as a courtesy to my readers.  I only post about items that I think you all would enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.  

Although, I think everyone should have a Catzilla shirt!

Let's Hop!

I adore Brian's Home Blog!
I am thankful that they host this blog hop every week; being grateful goes a long way these days!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sun Worshipping


Is Sweetie swimming in her sunny dreams?
Warming her backend...
...and now the front!
Whew!  Time to cool off!

Jigsaw Puzzle

Oh no, we've just discovered that Angel Pekka at Catio Tales has gained wings and flown off into the heavens.

We have the sads.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

National Black Cat Day!

October 27th is National Black Cat Day!

Or maybe International Black Cat Day?

National Black Cat Day was founded by Cats Protectionan animal charity in the United Kingdom, to raise awareness concerning the lower rates of adoption for black cats.

Dogs, too, suffer from the same stigma.

I can guarantee, that Eastside Cats will always have a housepanther on staff, and we are blessed to have three in residence, and we don't care what you call it, we think every day is Black Cat Day!

Manny, getting scritches and showing off his underpants
Adopted from Michigan Humane Society
Sweetie, asleep in the sun
Stray Cat
Chili Bruce, guarding the refrigerator
The spider plant in the background has been chewed to death by Manny
Adopted from Michigan Humane Society
Celestial Chuck
The Original Eastside Cats Housepanther
Adopted from a private owner

Jigsaw Puzzle

preview99pieceNational Black Cat Day

Sunday, October 25, 2020

'Hood Cats

While making my usual rounds in the neighborhood...
Sly has attitude!
Star is adorable
Thomas, on his usual Jeep perch
Nightfury, Thomas's sisfur

Jigsaw Puzzle