Thursday, June 02, 2022


June 1 is World Outlander Day.

As I've posted about this book series before, I am beyond thankful that my bff recommended it to me.

How could I not like a series that has this adorable kitty?

His name is Adso, and was discovered as a kitten alone in the woods, by the character Jamie Fraser.

He gifts the wee grey potato to his wife, Claire.
Claire and Adso.
Jamie and Adso.
Isn't he dreamy?
Lord John Grey and a inside joke to some of us who are a bit too involved in the stories!
These images from the TV show were collected from Facebook.

However, while the show is great, the books are the only way to go!

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  1. I must miss a lot, by not watching much TV... Looks like something I need to get going on!

    Sweet Adso!

  2. Thanks for the heads-up. We have never watched the series, but will now keep an eye out for it!

    Tama and Benny

  3. I only watch one thing on I have missed something really good it seems.

  4. Not seen the show or read the books. That cat is adorable though. I'm happy you're enjoying the books.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  5. I should pick up these books. :D Thanks for the reminder.

    And sorry to have been so absent. I can attest to the fact I'm not addicted to the Internet. lol But where has the time gone?

    Be well, my dears!

  6. I just love Outlander! Have you read the books yet? I'm betting you have. Love that wee grey potato.

  7. We've not heard of Outlander but it's gotta be kitty good fur sure!

  8. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. I have never watched or read it, but it must be good with that cute kitty in it.

  10. Does the name Adso mean something ? Other than "A Darling Sweet One-of-a-Kind ?"

  11. Such a cute kitty. I didn't know there was a cat in the series.

  12. We don't know that show but we bet the cat is the star of it!

  13. Aww, how cute! I didn't make it that far in the show to see the cat.


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