Sunday, March 09, 2025


Many of us lost an hour this morning.



  1. Ours doesn't happen until the end of the month. I will ignore it and get up when I am ready and not before. The only good thing is the lighter evenings.

  2. #1 always shakes her head at the drama created by this every year!. Ours is scheduled for the end of the month and we will really enjoy having that extra hour of light in the evenings!

    The Chans

  3. Made the time change, and I'm off and running to my usual 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning grocery shopping. Can't say I'm happy about either one, lol.

  4. We don't like this either, but thank Cat we still have two weeks to get used to it, before our time changes. In the meantime we wish that they coming to their senses and let time be what it is, no more interruptions of the government🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  5. Here in the UK it's not until the end of the month when the clocks go forward, we can't wait for the long lighter evenings xxx

  6. da tabbies o trout towneMarch 9, 2025 at 12:18 PM

    me N de gurl canna stand day lite savinz time ~~~~ hizzzzz...knot ta menshunz, catz like ta sneek round at dark o clox....well, now we hafta wait til like MIDNITE ta due sew ~~~~

  7. I hate losing an hour. I could have been eating that lost hour

  8. I hate losing an hour. I could have been eating that lost hour


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