Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Miscellaneous items seen in my 'hood: 
Not a button, nor a piece of candy.
Don't worry, the Bald-Faced Hornets are long gone!
It's always surprising how many of these papery nests are seen when the tree branches are bare.
They look like something from outer space.
Me too, bumper too!


  1. The Hornets Nest is fantastic. I've always heard that the old wives tale is the lower to the ground it is the colder the winter and the higher in the tree that it is a warmer the winter. Didn't see enough Nest to know what they predicted for this bitter cold winter.

  2. wonder if number one is a Christmas decoration that flew off of a wreath or something?😺‼️🐟

  3. Love them all, but the last one is my favorite. I've never been normal. I don't even know what normal means.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  4. I thought the first picture was an aerial view of a distant beach umbrella...

  5. We believe you found yourself a winning chip😹That nest...OMC...we believe they're all coming from out of space, include the hornets. What's normal🙈Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  6. That Hornet's nest is awful! Scary I mean. Ewww.

  7. We've been seeing lots of those hornets nests around here, too!

  8. I wouldn't want to be the one to knock on the nest to make sure it is vacant.

  9. I wouldn't want to be the one to knock on the nest to make sure it is vacant.

  10. Those hornet nests spell evil trouble! There was a humongous one in one of our sons's classrooms....Eeek!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....