Saturday, March 15, 2025

Beware, Forsooth!

Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March!
William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"
Act I, Scene 2
For Caturday, we have Manny hiding under the Pink blanket on the Blue Chair, artified with Prisma.
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  1. The Globe Theatre, 1601: now playing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, daily performances.

  2. I had a 'Talk Like Someone From Shakespeare's Time' Day in college. I was the only participant...

  3. So dramatic, Manny!

    LOL. Keep those Shakespeare funnies coming (says the English and comparative literature major in me). :-D

  4. Those were good funnies. Looking good Manny!

  5. Nice art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  6. What an interesting contrast in the picture! I like it.

    Very funny Shakespeare comics. He'd probably approve.


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