Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Our Cup Runneth Over!

In an effort to make up for missing PO'Monday's post yesterday...

Anti-declawing is VERY IMPORTANT to me!

...I'm combining it with Twozday...and adding a guest mancat hunk at the end!


Proceed at your own risk... 

You've been warned...
The PO'M is enjoying the up-and-down temps around here.
Da Boyz are snugglebunnies!
And Sly from the 'hood is as handsome as ever...

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ancient Comedy

 Memes I've collected along the way down the path of my life, that make fun of ancient topics.

Beware: some of these are irreverent; I mean no disrespect.

Just for a giggle on a blustery Spring day!

Sorry, I have not attributions for any of them, unless the creator added their own identification.  So, used without permission, other than to create smiles; all grabbed from Facebook.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Caturday Da Boyz

Playing with my Prisma app again.
Manny & Chili Bruce are terrific models.
Click on the image above to enjoy the jigsaw puzzle
Click on the image above to enjoy the jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Sun Flairs

Blame the pawparazzi!
Chili Bruce, hidden by the strong sunlight.
Some sort of flair bubble, and The PO'M is not amused.
Manny, up close and pursonal, blurry and washed-out.
A sunny day for Sweetie!

 Let's Hop!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Cutie Pie

Sweetie has an adorable profile.
And she has cute toesies too.
She uses my pillow to lean against, when she wants a change from napping in The Sweetie Spa.
Note the fur-covered sheet; it's Springtime!
 Wee Sweetie has been very active at night for a little while; am guessing it's the normal Springtime feelings of warmer temperatures and additional animal activity outside.

While this means that I get less sleep, rest assured that I'll deal with it, and I am happy to see her energized.

Usually, when I awake in the morning, Sweetie is parked on my chest...purring.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Variations on a Theme


 Trust me, if I neatened the futon blankets, Da Boyz won't nap there!

The messier, the better.

Also, the color scheme of the pillows, sheets, and blankets are eye-wateringly bizarre, but again, that suits our two fuzzybutts to a T.

Anything for my babies!


Monday, March 22, 2021



As the sun sets, the light is golden.
 And smoochies are had!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Double Gotcha Day?

 It's my birthday!

Also, it's the anniversary of Paddy O'Malley's 2011 TNR surgery, after which he became a permanent member of The Eastside Cats.

My, how time flies.

His Snipoversary?  Not really a Gotchaversary, but it's kind of like the anniversary of our first date, because we've been 'a thing' ever since!💕

What would you call it?

Early 2011 photo of Paddy, before the snip!
Yesterday, The PO'M and I snuggling in the sunshine.
Artified PO'M, using Prisma app.
Click on the image to play the jigsaw puzzle

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, March 19, 2021

And Winter Ends

3/19/21 Friendly Fill-Ins

1. I look forward to my birthday every spring.

Most years, my birthday falls on the Vernal Equinox.  Sometimes, it's the last day of winter, and that bums me out!  I tend to treat the whole month of March as a 30-day celebration. 😸

2. The highlight of my week was completing my re-listen of the entire Amelia Peabody book series, written by Elizabeth Peters, about a cat-loving British Egyptologist-turned-detective family.

I felt the need to comfort listen again!  There are 19 books, and I posted about my first listen on 9/17/2020.  AND, I've begun The Cormoran Strike audiobooks series...again...because it too is excellent, taking place in modern London.  I understand there is a UK TV series based on these characters, but I haven't seen it yet.

3. I think cross-eyed is the word that best describes me.

I was born with a lazy-eye.  Although I've had surgery to fix it cosmetically as a child, and years of eye therapy, I still have double vision, and do not have depth perception.  It colors my world in subtle ways, such as reading spreadsheets (hell!), playing any game (which ball do I hit?), and when I'm tired, my one eye begins to drift.  This may be why my version of the world is a cock-eyed!

4. Nothing melts my heart like a community cat who allows me to pet him!

I whisper 'puss puss puss' and make smoochy sounds to every cat I see, but most ferals sit like statues, or run away.  Rarely, one will take my bait, and I've had to choke back tears of joy when I am allowed to reach out my hand for petting.

Life is too short not to stick out your tongue!
Art created by; click on the image to visit the website.

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You are welcome to complete the fill-in's in the comments below.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Friendly Bookmark

 I was delighted to receive a surprise package from Lethbridge, Canada.

John, from I Have Three Cats blog, knew I'd contributed to Lethbridge People for Animal Welfare, but the bookmarks were only available in purrson.

As much as I am thankful for the hard work John and the rest are doing, a trip to Canada isn't in the cards right now.

Therefore, John mailed a few to me.

Books and cats, cats and books...yippee!

Thank you, very dear friend from The North, whom I sincerely hope to visit someday.  


The Hubby and I have appointments next week for our first COVID vaccine injections.

Today, I am very thankful, and full of goodwill.

Let's Hop!
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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sweetie's First Gotchaversary!


Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy St. Gertrude's Day!

Happy Gotchaversary, Sweetie!

It was exactly a year ago, on 3/17/20, that I trapped Sweetie, and brought her inside the house.

She arrived in late 2008, and we TNR'd her in 2008.

For a decade, we fed her, housed her, and loved her, often from afar.

She took to being an inside cat with ease, surprising us all!

We adore her, and couldn't be happier to have her sleeping on us every night!

Enjoying her Sweetie Spa
She spends a lot of time there
"I'm ready for my close-up!"
Frost on clover, taken in March 2019.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021



Don't ask me which of Da Boyz is in each image!

As The Hubby says, "The black one is Manny, and the other black one is Chili Bruce"

 They are the light of our lives!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sunny Tabby


 Although it's bright and sunny, the temperatures are cold.  The PO'M likes to sit on my lap and drowse.  

My effort at being a convenient cat bed wars with my personal need to be warm, but I tough it out, as The PO'M is a somewhat oversized heaty pad...

I often conduct phone conversations while he rests in my lap like this.

We all are hopeful for warmer days ahead.