Friday, March 19, 2021

And Winter Ends

3/19/21 Friendly Fill-Ins

1. I look forward to my birthday every spring.

Most years, my birthday falls on the Vernal Equinox.  Sometimes, it's the last day of winter, and that bums me out!  I tend to treat the whole month of March as a 30-day celebration. 😸

2. The highlight of my week was completing my re-listen of the entire Amelia Peabody book series, written by Elizabeth Peters, about a cat-loving British Egyptologist-turned-detective family.

I felt the need to comfort listen again!  There are 19 books, and I posted about my first listen on 9/17/2020.  AND, I've begun The Cormoran Strike audiobooks series...again...because it too is excellent, taking place in modern London.  I understand there is a UK TV series based on these characters, but I haven't seen it yet.

3. I think cross-eyed is the word that best describes me.

I was born with a lazy-eye.  Although I've had surgery to fix it cosmetically as a child, and years of eye therapy, I still have double vision, and do not have depth perception.  It colors my world in subtle ways, such as reading spreadsheets (hell!), playing any game (which ball do I hit?), and when I'm tired, my one eye begins to drift.  This may be why my version of the world is a cock-eyed!

4. Nothing melts my heart like a community cat who allows me to pet him!

I whisper 'puss puss puss' and make smoochy sounds to every cat I see, but most ferals sit like statues, or run away.  Rarely, one will take my bait, and I've had to choke back tears of joy when I am allowed to reach out my hand for petting.

Life is too short not to stick out your tongue!
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You are welcome to complete the fill-in's in the comments below.


  1. Those were really good and interesting answers today. We don't get much feral petting around these parts.

  2. Happy Spring bday!!
    Albert was extra super duper smart to love cats!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. PS I'm a supporter of a month long bday celebration

  4. I can't imagine having double vision. You rock! I'd probably use that as an excuse to get out of things. :P I am sorry you must deal with it. One has to wonder how much better the condition could have been handled with today's technology. ~hugs~ Best wishes!

  5. A month long B-day We get the day and we'd better like it. mol Mom's not quite this bad but we just celebrate the day.

    Your mom has quite the problem with her eyes. Best help her guys and then you know that you're getting the right meal and if you're like Tyebe you can push your mom's hand so its faster.


  6. A Whole Month! WOW! Thanks for your fill-ins! I LOVE it when we get to learn more about the peeps behind the blog! You are awesome. Have a marvellously HAPPY day!

  7. I know how you feel about saying that to every outdoorian you see. I do the same thing, Same words too. I love it as much as do you.

  8. I love the Strike books. I just finished the latest season of the show too. I think they did a great job with it and it's definitely worth watching. I've watched it a couple of times! (And I've also reread all of the books except the last one - just once so far).

  9. Love your fill-ins. About your eyes, can prism work for you? It sure worked for me. In fact yesterday I picked up my new glasses and they forgot the prism. I couldn't read and the words were all jumbled and I got a headache pretty quickly. They are back at the eye doctors office for replacement lenses.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  10. Good riddens, winter! Bring on spring!

  11. Great answers! I wonder if audiobooks might jump start my reading mojo again...

  12. Thanks for reminding me about Elizabeth Peters--someone recommended her years ago and I forgot until just now! Thanks!!

  13. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am with you on birthday month, I celebrate all through July. That sounds like an interesting series to listen to. Have a nice weekend. XO

  14. Happy birthday and happy spring. Thanks for the recommendations.

  15. Happy Birthday! What great fill ins. Dad has thought of audio books but... maybe soon. He also has an eye, not lazy, but hurt when he was tiny and has much the same issues. Thanks for being so interesting. Purrs of Spring to you

  16. I think the highlight of my week was : a warm nearly 60 degree day yesterday. A hyacinth peeking out from falled leaves after a long snowy winter.

  17. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, and Happy Birthday! I love how you answered #4. When a stray or feral cat allows me to pet them, especially after an effort to gain their trust, their is not much that's as rewarding as that. I hope your week is going wonderfully!


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