Sunday, September 30, 2018

Where squirrels hide stuff

Squirrels are hiding black walnut husks around
Eastside Cats!

Front porch corner

Gutter downspout at driveway

In the corner of The Cat Hotel's wind break
(commonly called an old window...)

In the corner of Sweetie's cardboard box

The PO'M: "Are you two hiding any walnuts in there?"
Manny and Chili Bruce: "What's a walnut?  Want to come in and play?"
The PO'M: "Sorry, boyz, but I'm a big, bad outdoor cat!"
Even Angel gets into the squirrels and their nuts action!

Or watch it here:

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Interesting Cat Stuff Seen Around Town

Variations on the "Hello Kitty!" theme...
Nice lady at the grocery store showed me her shirt...

"Hello Pitty!"
She said she loves her pitbull doggie!
 And I saw this decal while driving...
"Bounty Hunter Hello Kitty"
Star Wars reference
 The woman was in a resale shop with me;
she with her Caturn shirt, me in my cat-patterned scarf...
 I love when people express themselves!
Just as long as I don't get arrested for taking photos of people's torsos....


Friday, September 28, 2018

Farewell, Angel Rusty

Angel Rusty
Image used by permission
Our dear friend Rusty left for The Rainbow Bridge.
Please visit Jan's Funny Farm to give your thoughts and prayers.


I've turned off comments today

Thursday, September 27, 2018

#Remember Me Thursday

Lola The Rescued Cat
Three Chatty Cats
#Remember Me Thursday® is a global awareness campaign uniting individuals and pet adoption organizations around the world as an unstoppable, integrated voice for orphan pets to live in forever homes, not die waiting for them.

On September 27, 2018, the entire world will share the importance of pet adoption, and shine a light on all orphan pets waiting in shelters and rescues. In 2017, people using #RememberMeThursday reached nearly 330 million people on social media.

As for Eastside Cats, Angel and Chuck were adopted as young kittens from a family who didn't spay their cat.  Manny and Chili Bruce were adopted as older kittens at a pet store that showcases cats from the Michigan Humane Society.  Hobo, Sammy, Paddy O'Malley, and Sweetie simply showed up in the yard, so we 'adopted' them too!

The Hubby claims that he was the first stray that I took in, but he's being silly.

And, being thankful for our adopted family members...
Let's Hop!

Brian's Home Blog Hop

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Come Laugh With Us Blog Hop: Remembering Madi

Or see it here: Chili Bruce and His Nip Nanner

Chili is so silly, on his RED beddy...

Chucky, chillin' in his boxtop!
Chucky in a box!  For Angel Madi...

Let's Hop!
Go here: Friends FurEver

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

2019 FatCatArt Calendar

You all know that I'm in LURV with my kitties (especially The PO'M!), but there is one big ginger boy that I am totally infatuated with...

In Russia!

So, the minute that I saw that FatCatArt had their 2019 Calendar available, well, I logged onto the website and bought one!  Zarathustra graces the pages of this most excellent calendar, and I am one happy camper!

Notice Z's brofur DB (David Bowie) in the bottom corner

Trust me, am planning a trip to St. Petersburg, 'cause I'd love to meet Z, DB and Sveta (artist and cat mom) in purrson!

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Cleveland Museum of Art

Thank you all for the Blogoversary wishes!

Sorry that Paddy O'Malley's video was messed up...
it's all fixed now!

On Friday, September 21, my friend Beth and I drove from Detroit to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit the Cleveland Museum of Art.  We attended the Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrors exhibition.  The Infinity Mirrors is a kind of performance art; most of the displays were mirrored rooms, that one stood inside and had the lights and artwork reflected back and forth, out to nothingness.  While I'll admit that modern art isn't my cup of tea, being a part of something that the one doesn't just observe but also takes part in, is quite fun!

This is a permanent display of
Yoyoi Kusama's art at the museum

Was like being in outer space! was a bit creepy, but interesting at the same time!

In this room, every visitor was given a page of dot stickers,
and we were instructed that we weren't allowed to leave until
we'd stuck all of our stickers in this room!
We couldn't stick them to ourselves, or the employees...

Beth stacked her stickers into a face, while I searched for white space
to stick down my dots.  It was much more fun than you'd think!
After a delightful lunch in the museum cafe', we headed out to visit the rest of the museum:

Ancient Egyptian Cat coffin

Yep, that's George Washington!

One of Monet's Water Lilies

A Pollock
(I love Pollock!)

Tiffany Lamp
Selfie of Beth and I in front of
Warhol's "Marilyn x 100"
Seriously, we only saw two cats in the whole museum, and both were in the Ancient Egyptian area.  C'mon, Cleveland!  We know there are lots of cat lovers there; get some more cat art!  Sheesh!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our 5th Blogoversary!

On 9/22/2013, I posted my first thoughts on being the feline servants to two cat families; Chuck and Angel on the inside of the house, Paddy O'Malley and Sweetie on the outside.  Here is my actual first post:

"Yesterday, I watched a husband-and-wife team attempt to walk both their dog (on a leash) and their cat (held in a towel) into the nearby pet supplies store.  However, as the dog started barking, the howling cat managed to escape the arms of his person, and hide under a car.  I had been climbing into MY car, so I quickly slammed the door and went to help.  The terrified cat wasn't moving an inch, and the man used the towel that once was a poor cat transportation device, to lay on to try to reach the cat.  I couldn't reach the cat either, but somehow the man was able to coax the cat out.  That's when I suggested they cover the cat entirely with the towel; having the world blotted out would calm her.  He did as I suggested, and I got back in my car to drive away.  The couple said that they were flea bombing the house, so the dog and cat needed baths, and this pet store has do-it-yourself washing tubs.  I certainly hope they were successful with that, but there's a lesson; ALWAYS properly restrain your cat in a cat carrier or trap or box.  That parking lot was full of people and moving cars, and a loose cat would have no chance if left out there.  I didn't take a photo, but I'll never forget the fear on that kitty's face."

Whoa, so deep!  Since then, I've forged forward...learning to include photos...and have made Eastside Cats my personal expression of my life with cats.

Recently, I found a logo for this blog, since it's quite possible for cats to be from outer space:

Two space alien cats, for Chucky and Angel
Thank you, Jesica Rydock!

For the last five years, I've posted about cat cafe's, the neighborhood cats, friends and loved one's cats, my growing collection of cat trinkets and artwork, cat scarves, cat socks, cat knowledge and health issues, the joy of new cats in the house, and the sorrow of losing them.  My mother encouraged me to write about cats, and The Hubby has been mostly supportive; his only caveat: no photos of him!  And I've abided by his one rule *wink*.

Manny and Chili Bruce have brought new life and much love into the house.  Five blogging years doesn't compare to many of you who've been at this for longer than I.  Yet, I learn from each of you, enjoy your posts and your insights, and revel in our unique views on living with cats, and knowing cat people.  I read your comments, and they often inspire me onto future posts!

Thank You!

Facebook: EastsideCatsBlog
Instagram: eastsidecatsblog
Twitter: EastsideCatsVic

And, for your viewing pleasure...
The PO'M doing what he does best!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Surprise Gift

My sister surprised me with an adorable set of old time Siamese salt and pepper shakers!  Aren't they sweet?  Purrfect for the Office Cat Collection!  Thanks, Sis!

Let's Hop!

Join The Hop at Brian's Home Blog

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

“Smartly, me lass, with the vittles, or I'll be keelhauling ya!"
Pirate to modern english translation:
"Feed Me Now, Or Else...!"

"International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a parodic holiday created in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers, of Albany, Oregon, U.S., who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate"

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Farewell, Angel Madi

Visit Madi and Mom Down Home

Angel Madi's body just was too tired.

Please click on the link above.

I'm turning off the comments today; we are all so very sad.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Totally Busted!

As seen through the kitchen window!

Ahem...there is NOT supposed to be a cat on the stove!  I snapped this image while rounding the corner of the house, after spending a few minutes with The 'O' Cats on the back deck.

Manny was so busted, but The Hubby just laughed, saying that he'd been too busy watching the TV, and forgot to police the kitchen.  Manny is drawn to the cast iron grill pan, which had oil residue on it from dinner.  By the time I was back inside the house, the perp had already left the scene, and was sprawled out on his beddy, and pretending to be half-asleep. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Farewell, Angel Precious

Visit Brian's Home Blog
Angel Precious left us suddenly last week. 
We mourn her passing.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hemingway Home Cats Calendar

A little over a year ago, Hurricane Irma hit the Florida Keys; a category 5 storm.  There was much reported about the Hemingway Home Museum, located on Key West, and the family of cats that live on the property.  The story is that these cats are mostly direct descendents of polydactyl cat(s) that Ernest Hemingway, the famous author, owned while he was in residence there.

Luckily, the cats survived, the home survived, and the volunteers who sheltered themselves there in the storm were fine!  I, being fascinated, clicked 'like' on the museum Facebook page, and have enjoyed updates from time to time.  The Hubby and I vacationed in the Florida Keys two or three times over the years...when I could get him to vacation rather than staycation...but we never visited The Hemingway Home Museum.  On my bucket list?  Oh yeah!

A week ago, there was a post about a 2019 Calendar of Hemingway Home cats!  I ordered one immediately, since they warned that they sell out quickly.

I pine for a mitten-foot kitty...or two.  Too bad doesn't have a section for extra toes; I swear that they used to.  There is something about those big feet...

Here are some of the adorable images!

Disclaimer:  Again, I am not advertising anything; this product was purchased by me, for my own use.  If you all decide to spend your money at the website, then that's terrific, but I don't get a kickback or anything.  I just like Key West, and cats!  And I'm pretty sure that I've never read a book written by Ernest Hemingway, although I have watched "The Old Man and The Sea" film, with Spencer Tracy, made in 1958.  There is a placard on a tree on Duval Street (main street for Key West) that says, "Ernest Hemingway pissed here", which shows just how irreverent the city's people are!

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Cat's Pajamas

Image from Zulily
As if I'd don pajamas...then snap a photo for you!  HA!  I grabbed the image that arrived with my order confirmation email.  This outfit was just too cute to pass up, and it's very comfortable!

Disclaimer: I purchased this item for myself; did not receive it to review for free or anything like that!  I saw, I liked...I bought!  

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Grosse Ile Lighthouse Tour


We interrupt our scheduled broadcast,
with the sad news that Milita has left for The Rainbow Bridge

Farwell, Angel Milita!

Please visit Fur Everywhere


You may be thinking, "WHAT?!?  Thankful for a tour of an old building?"

Oh YES!  Not only was this my very first visit to a lighthouse, but I was with Sue Doute, The Lady with the Yellow Hair from The Island Cats, and Beth Giannosa, from Life's Adventures and All My Relations Photography!  There were no cats at the lighthouse, or any of the other historic sites we visited, but between the three of us, we take care of fourteen cats!  So there *sticking tongue out*

Grosse Ile is an island in the Detroit River, and once a year, the lighthouse is opened for tours.  The day was rather wet, cool, and windy, but after a delightful lunch in Wyandotte, the three of us took a bus ride to the lighthouse, and were given a tour.   The wooden structure was rebuilt in 1904 from the original 1894 structure, and the last keeper left in 1932.  The Grosse Ile Historical Society has preserved and maintained it, with volunteer assistance and contributions from the Lighthouse Endowment Fund.  Lighthouses were navigational tools before Global Positioning Systems...hahaha!

History lesson on the bus ride to the Lighthouse

Beth, Sue and Me!

Panorama of the Detroit River

It was blowing and raining!

Windswept and damp smiles!

Now, I'm ready to adventure to other lighthouses.  I love the shore; not so much being on the water but near it, and how fortunate that I live in Michigan, The Great Lakes State!  I'm thinking that we have more lighthouses than most other places.

Thank you, Sue and Beth, for our non-cat adventure, although cats were discussed during most of the time between history lessons!

Let's Hop!

Visit Brian's Home to join the hop!