Friday, December 31, 2021

A Look Back

 New Year's Day, 2010

Resident Cats: Chuck and Angel

The O Cats: Hobo and Sweetie

Chuck was in the bathtub; notice the drops of water on his nose!
Angel, showing off her Winter fur coat.
Hobo in front, Sweetie behind him.
Chuck, Angel, and Hobo have left Earth for Heaven.

Sweetie is a pampered inside cat, and we adore her.

There will always be change in our lives, yet a bit of time-travel back to earlier days for a minute or two will bring a smile, and one's heart remembers the love.

Wishing all a Happy New Year, and please be careful; you are the only you there is, and very precious.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

New O Cats

We've had some visitors...
The long-haired cat in the middle photo is seen most often.

None are showing up with any kind of regularity, so I replace the water every morning, but don't put out food unless I see a cat nearby.

They'll learn that my presence means it's chow time!

We are thankful for The O Cats from before, who taught us a few things about luring strays in.

Always, Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return is our goal, if the cats have no owners.

"If you feed 'em, fix 'em" is our motto.

Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


It's Sweetnesday!

Lady Cat has many moods:
No Nonsense
Poor Sweetie; I am off work this week, so I'm not at my desk all day as usual.

Although she sleeps most of the day away, she notices when she isn't in the company of her human!

Therefore, I've had to resort to napping with her every afternoon.

It's a huge sacrifice, but what is a cat mama to do, to keep her Sweetie happy?


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Rotten Photography

It's Twozday!

Snapping cutesy photos of Da Boyz can be a trial.

The camera lens captures something completely different from what my eyes see.

I try different colors, different focus, and snap a dozen photos to pick out one or two that I like.

Here is an example of my poor photography skills:
Used 'mono' setting...
I think the flash went off here...
...and this one is blurred!
If you can see the back feet on one, and front paws on the other, then at least I've conveyed the cuteness of Da Boyz!

If you cannot, then chalk it up to my inability to use my phone's camera talents appropriately.

Or the fact that Michigan in Winter is grey and sunless; when Spring arrives, perhaps better lighting will make all the difference!  


Monday, December 27, 2021

Proof of Goof!

It's PO'Monday!

Celestial Paddy wasn't exactly graceful during his time on Earth.

Or maybe I always had my camera ready to catch his goofiness!

Enjoy these two silly snaps and video. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Meowy Catmas!

Today's Caturday 'art':

Years ago, I was gifted a pair of flannel pajama/lounge pants by a dear friend.

The fabric images are lovely, the pants are comfy (and have pockets!), and say a lot about what makes my life rich: friends, cats, and being lazy!


Or, make that HO HO HO!

Meowy Catmas!
Click on the image above to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop!

Click on the image above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Thursday, December 23, 2021

CatVideoFest 2021

Am so very thankful for CatVideoFest 2021!

Here are a few images that I snapped while laughing:
Cats eek-eek-eeking!
Housecat versus angry cougar!
Remember the dude who showed up at an office meeting, with a cat avatar?
"I am not a cat!" It was hilarious!
Kitty sticking her head in a small spot; so adorable!
To find out if CatVideoFest 2021 is available near you, click here to visit the website.

Will Braden, who created Henri, le Chat Noir, plays a major role at CatVideoFest.

"CatVideoFest is proud to partner with animal shelters and charities across the country. A portion of ticket sales from every show goes directly to local cats in need. Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about CatVideoFest, and for bringing joy and love to animals everywhere!"

So much fun!

Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What A Difference A Year Makes!

It's Sweetnesday!

Man, it's been a crazy year; look at these Sweetie photos taken exactly a year apart!
December 2020
December 2021
 Geez oh Pete's, look at the difference!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Popcorn Pride!

It's Twozday!

And I'm so proud of my sons; they take after me and LURV popcorn!

When this tin full of four different popcorn flavors arrived, Manny and Chili Bruce had to check it out!

Don't worry; we only allowed them a broken popped kernel each, even though they tried for more!

Monday, December 20, 2021

PO'M Memorial Votive

It's PO'Monday, and we received a lovely surprise!

Isn't this beautiful?!?
Look at that sassy face!
Bernadette Kazmarski, artist and cat lover, sent a memorial votive for The PO'M as a gift.

She included a note that was so sweet, knowing that Paddy was so very dear.

Someone had leaky eyes, but I won't tell you whom...*ahem*

Thank you, Bernadette!

Click on the links below, and take a look through the wonderful art that you can have for your very own, including personalized memorial votives.  

Over the years, I've ordered many items, and will continue to do so.

The Creative Cat Blog

Disclaimer:  I received the PO'M Memorial Votive from Bernadette Kazmarski at Portrait Of as a gift.  I post about things that interest me, and that I believe will interest my readers, and for no monetary compensation.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Farewell, Zarathustra

With great sadness, we report:


the big ginger cat featured on's art,

has left his mortal body and his spirit has flown to the stars.
Cover image from Fat Cat Art book

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Arty PO'M

A bit zanny today; close-ups of Celestial Paddy O'Malley, artified and colorized!

Used the Prisma Ap and iPhoto Filters.
Click on the photo above to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
Click on the photo above to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Giggles

Some smiles for you all!

We need them now more than ever.

Disclaimer: All images lifted from Facebook or were shared by friends.
Using them here as a source of entertainment and not for personal gain.
Just spreading some comedy and 'aww!' images for fun.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

An Upside To Remote Work

If I were at the office, I wouldn't have seen this little gem during an online meeting:
Sentry kitty is watching you!
I looked down as I snapped this photo without my coworkers noticing.

I am thankful for these sweet moments of fun and joy, during the long workday.

If we all were in the office, there would be no cat nor doggo...nor fish...sightings!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A Day Without

It's Sweetnesday!

Last Saturday, we had severe winds, with gusts that brought down part of a HUGE Maple tree in a neighbor's yard:
Tree fell across neighbor's garage and cars, then over the alley...
(Close up of smushed van)
...into our next-door neighbor's backyard!
We did NOT lose power at this time; that occured when someone else's tree lay across the wires a little while later.

Luckily, we were without electricity for only a day.

The Hubby and I put on our winter coats, and drank plenty of hot beverages.

Da Boyz curled up together, but poor Sweetie was without her Sweetie Spa heated beddy!
She tried to stay warm under the blanket, but it was unsatisfactory.
That night, she crawled on top of me, to use my body heat.

When I awoke, she was on my head!
Sweetie: "I'm in my Sweetie Spa, and no one is allowed to make it go cold again!"

Our prayers go out to those in Kentucky and elsewhere, who were severely affected by same storm system, to much more devastating results.

A day without power means nothing, when we still have a roof over our heads.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


It's Twozday!

A crime was committed:
Pieces of rubber on the floor!
One rubber hand grip chewed to pieces, and the other is missing!
Cat pawprints on the stationary bicycle seat.
Rubber hand grip chewed and left to die a slow death on the floor.
The perpetrators:
"We are innocent!"
 You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom.

The judge sits silently, and the jury foreperson rises to read the verdict...

*Commercial Break*