Valentine's Day is a subdued affair at Eastside Cats, after more years together than I can count on all of my fingers and toes.
The Hubby and I exchange little love tokens:
Valentine cut from a fancy box |
Valentine painted on the wall, since covered over |
Valentine made from snow! |
Gotta tell you, that this year's gift was the bestest ever....
drumroll please....
The Hubby replaced the commode in the downstairs bathroom. 🚽
Yep, the too-low, weirdly flushing monstrosity is gone, and a lovely, purrfectly working model now stands in its stead.
Sheer heaven, folks, let me tell you.
Am so thankful for this upgrade to our lives...and you know what?!?
He'll do the same for the upstairs bathroom; I helped to carry the boxed beast up the stairs, where it waits in the hallway for its final resting spot.
WOOT!!! 😹
Let's Hop!
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