25 February, 2024


Some sillies for those of us who are working stiffs!
 At least am working remotely, and the commute to work is simply walking upstairs.

Have appointment with my tax CPA on Tuesday, and he's gonna ask about the 'r' word.

Am slightly...no, VERY...terrified of the concept of living off our funds and stuff.

And am beyond thankful to have a good job, with health benefits.

Guess I haven't yet hit that "That's enough; I'm done!" point.

Yet, it's on the horizon, peaking over the ridge with glowing eyes locked on me.


  1. At least I don't have to worry about Mondays!

  2. We have been retired for more than 15 years now, and I will tell you that it turns out to be very easy to live within your means. And it's easy on the mind and the body when you're ready.

  3. We thought these were all really funny - especially the second one. We know Mummy was a bit worried when She retired over 10 years ago, not so much about the money but about how to fill her days. Turns out that with the three of Us to write about, plus her own blog, plus her field trips, her Caterwauling Club and her lectures - that's no problem at all.

  4. Our #1 works from home and she is just as likely to work on a Sunday as on a Monday.

    The Chans

  5. I love working from home with the short commute. And Tuesday are my Mondays (yay for the four-day work week!). And that shark one is too cute!

  6. I don't worry about Mondays either and boy is it ever nice!

  7. You will live off your funds, make a few little changes, have some time for yourself and oh, boy, to have health benefits is primo!!! So much is being done in the USA for the working class but the benefits are not being understood, we think. Lower meds, children benefits, and more. Just sorry food is expensive but there are lots of things to eat that are reasonably priced. You will be sucessful at ANY stage of your life!!!!!

  8. There isn't enough coffee in the world to make me ready for Monday.

    As for the "r" word, there isn't enough money invested for me to even think about it any time soon, unless there is a major change. By years, it should be soon (or even now). By finances, it won't happen, I will work until I go into a home, and a cheap medicaid home at that.

  9. I have to admit…I don’t miss working one bit!

  10. I hit "That's enough" decades ago. Unfortunately, I won't reach "I'm done"...

  11. Yes, the Monday scaries are a real thing. We definitely have a few more years to go.

  12. "the work" ended so long ago it's hard to remember what it was like out there!!! no work from home then ... and the Big R life, it is what it is, what you make of it ...

  13. We've been blessed to the point I retired very early and my husband (eight years older than me!) followed suit a few years later. Best wishes to you and yours going forward, my dear.

    - Darla Sands


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