26 July, 2024


Our fellow bloggers lost their beloveds:

Angel Theo
Four White Paws
Click on the image to leave kind words.

Angel Jaava
Catio Tales
Click on the image to leave kind words. 

Angel Lexy
Lola the Rescued Cat
Click on the image to leave kind words.
~Hugs and purrs~

New Friends

 Dear friends have joyfully added to their families!

Such adorableness!

Welcome to your new families.

25 July, 2024

Barn Cats Like You've Never Seen Before!

Thankful to have attended the 2024 Saline Celtic Festival.
Highland Cow
A Knight with his steed.
These actors are quite flat.

There were plenty of kilts, but it was too creepy to be snapping photos of dudes!

A few miles away from the Fairgrounds, I'd heard a rumor that there was a cat barn, so I drove out into farm country...
...and I found it!

A Mama with two kittens.

Not usual behavior for barn roofs, yet worth the extra drive out from Metro Detroit.

Let's Hop!

24 July, 2024

When Out

It's Sweetnesday!

A few photos from July, 2018, when Celestial Sweetie was an 'O Cat'.

And, of course, Celestial Pommy had to photobomb again.


PO'M's Inside Gotchaversary was 24 July, 2021.

We lost him 7 August, 2021, so neither date is very celebratory for us.

Am not lying when I tell you that I went from the highest high with joy in my heart to the lowest low in that fortnight.

Losing Celestial Sweetie, who was a part of it all, is another blow, yet having these lovely furrys in our lives has only enriched us in so many ways.

The sadness only enhances the love that we all shared, and how precious life is. 


23 July, 2024

Focus on: CB

The many moods of Chili Bruce
Watching out the open front door.
Hiding under a blankie when the temps dipped.
In the round.

20 July, 2024

Feeling Moony

In honor of this anniversary, here's a pic of the full moon taken in February, 2024.
Artified with Prisma 'Blooming' filter, it seems apt for the day.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

19 July, 2024

Giving Airs

Why not behave like a blue blood?
Let's all be pretentious!

We've learned it from our cats, after all.


18 July, 2024

Twenty Years

 18 July, 2004

Angel and Chuck were born.
These two kittens began our everlasting love for cats.

We are so very, very thankful for them!

Let's Hop!

17 July, 2024

At Home

It's Sweetnesday, and Queen Sweet the First has come home.
Thank you to Ellen for the purrfect art to go with.
17 July is National Tattoo Day, and it just so happens that I have an appointment to have my Celestial Sweetie tattoo brightened with a ring of flowers.

I've chosen blooms that she lived with when an 'O' Cat.

Pics to be presented in the future, but let's have a moment of fun for this particular holiday: 


16 July, 2024

Not Looking!

It's Twozday, and they've decided to not look.
This last pic is funny, as they appear like carbon copies!

Henry is very curious about Da Boyz, by the way.

We think that's a good sign.

15 July, 2024

'O' Friends

Pictorial proof that Celestial Paddy O'Malley and Sweetie were friends in life; we all hope they are now hanging out in Heaven. 
July 2017
July 2018

14 July, 2024

Happy Bastille Day, France!

LibertΓ©, EgalitΓ©, FraternitΓ© (“liberty, equality and fraternity”)

Freepik Image
Haven't yet traveled to France, yet family members have, and they of course sent cat images to me!
Pierre Auguste Renoir
"Julie Manet With Cat", 1887
MusΓ©e d'Orsay
Pierre Bonnard
"Le Chat Blanc", 1894
MusΓ©e d'Orsay
Au Chat Bleu, Paris

I have read a few books that are based in France:

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by Victoria Schwab
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Peter May's The Enzo Files, 7 books with more to come, we hope
The Paris Key by Juliet Blackwell
Letters from Paris by Juliet Blackwell
The Bones of Paris by Laurie R. King

13 July, 2024

I did it again

It's Caturday!

Ah, I cannot keep away from collaging.

I used Prisma and Painnt to colorize my babies.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

12 July, 2024

Walk On The Wild Side

Some recent images of the wildlife found in my 'hood:

Star, napping on the front porch.
This is NOT her house!
Monarch butterfly dropped in for a visit as I strolled down the sidewalk.
Adorable Torty, and I've forgotten her name.
Using the neighbor's porch like it's her own!
A deer, who stayed on the other side of the street and ahead of me.
Not a great pic of a  groundhog, as 'dem critters can move mighty FAST when they want to!

11 July, 2024


Your warm wishes and comments are overwhelming; thank you all for your love and support.
 From Zoolatry
From Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

 As I work from home, Celestial Sweetie was my all-day companion.

If she meowed, I'd stir her food bowl to make it more enticing.

If she jumped onto the bed, I'd lay down next to her for a brief time-out.

If she voiced her opinion of my online conference calls, my co-workers would call out her name.

If she wandered to the spare bedroom to nap on the cardboard, I'd sneak a peek through the partially open door to make sure she was okay.
Celestial Swee Wee, from late June 2024.

We'll tell more of her story later, suffice it to say that she was a braw lassie, with plenty of fight in her every single day.

She was small.

She was tough.

She was a lovebug.

She was unique.


Let's Hop!

Brian's Home Blog