Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday the 13th

On Friday the 13th, folks often approach the day with caution, avoiding significant decisions or events. 

Superstitions around this day include eschewing travel, delaying surgeries, or steering clear of major financial decisions. 

Great idea!

Let's go hug a black cat:
Rats...Da Boyz are hugging themselves!

For me, it's simply Fri-YAY!


  1. I have never felt that Friday 13th is unlucky for me, although I do have a friend who won't even step outside on this date.

  2. When you have two black kitties like these, there's no need to worry about anything going wrong on Friday the 13th. Instead it'll probably go way better.

  3. I bet they would let you sneak in on that cuddle pile for a quick hug.

  4. doodz….fry day de 13th iz az good az fry day de 33rd ‼️🎄🖤🖤🖤🖤heer hopin yur week endz grate 😺😺😺

  5. da tabbies o trout towneDecember 13, 2024 at 3:08 PM

    doodz one oh theez dayz, eye wood like ta act shoo lee see me commint under da tabbies foto…
    any way, fry day de 13th iz az grate az Fry day any day ‼️🎄💚❤️😺

  6. I am superstitious on most things except black cats and Friday the 13th. XO

  7. Friday the 13th? Friday. That's all. Just Friday.

  8. I'm very superstitious about Friday 13th and rarely go out unless I have too xxx

  9. Superstitions are interesting. When we see a beautiful blue sky my husband and I harken back to horrible events we've witnessed. Be well!

  10. But that means you get a double hug!


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