Friday, December 06, 2024


Feral Friday?

Henry has taken wee paw steps every day.
He chooses new locations to enjoy.
Those toys are where they are because he played with them!
Yeah, yeah I's a litter box...and it's USED!
But that's the beauty of it; this is a second litter box set up right next to a big heating vent.
And within a day, Henry used it.
Henry O is adapting, and we are pleased as heck.


  1. Welcoming a "feral" into one's home can be a long and slow process ~ but the end result is well worth the wait! He's quite adorable and seems to be making himself quite comfortable with you, little by little, day by day!

  2. The look on Henry's face says that he's definitely no longer afraid to be in the house. This is great news and a great Christmas present.

  3. Henry, you've made a great choice!

  4. Yay, so glad that he is adapting well!

  5. henry! We have to say being a FF (Former Feral) is the bestest! We (who were ferals here) are so furry happy for our forever homes! We see you are too! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutcase er Nutmeg and Mom Barb

  6. It is lovely to see Henry making progress and using the facilities.

  7. Hooray Henry! I known you will get there, besides, you're so darn cute!

  8. Such good progress! I know what you are going through, so I am very pleased as Henry moves forward.

  9. It won't be long now before Henry is a true inside cat!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....