Saturday, December 21, 2024


The word 'solstice' comes from the Latin 'solstitium', meaning 'Sun stands still' – because the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south stops before changing direction.

December 21, 2024 at 4:21 AM Eastern/9:21 AM UTC

So let's celebrate with a few Stonehenge jokes!

Cool neon Stonehenge light!
Packing Peanut Henge

Henry camped out on the round rug all night last night, instead of hiding in the back room.

Of course, I snapped away at him, then played with one image in Prisma, to make a collage.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!


  1. Henry is like our changing seasons. We're going to improve on daylight and he's going to improve on showing himself. I won't mention the fact that more Daylight but less warm, LOL

  2. Henry, I love getting to know you as a member of a wonderful family.

  3. I dislike the dark winter days and can't wait for them to start getting longer again. Nice that Henry is choosing his sleeping spot.

  4. Peanut Packing Henge made us laugh! Henry, we love that you're doing so well as an inside cat. XO

  5. At first I thought it was a sugar cube Stonehenge, but packing peanuts is even more creative.

  6. Those are fun! Hey Henry, bravo brave dude!

  7. Henry must have been affected by the solstice. Now that the days will start getting longer again, you'll probably see more of him.

  8. Glad Henry is adjusting. Nice art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  9. I do enjoy seeing "Stonehenge" made with all kinds of materials.

    Good for Henry!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....