Monday, December 30, 2024


It's PO'Monday, and today we revisit late December, 2016.

Apparently, it was time for a love fest ❤️
Celestial Paddy O'Malley, how I miss you so!
Am sending hugs and purrs from Earth to Heaven.








And the solutions to yesterday's picture puzzles are below:



  1. I was right on the first and third, but even showing the answer in the second pic it still took me a few seconds to see it.
    Paddy was a real love bug.

  2. Am loving the snuggles. As for yesterdays puzzles, guess it's time for an eye exam ... sigh.

  3. I'm glad you posted that answer to the puzzles because I did try to find them and I was not lucky enough to spot them. But boy did your kitty spot you and fall in love with you.

  4. I'm glad you put the answers because I think I'm gonna need some better glasses!

  5. He was so handsome. He loved you, you love him and I loved him too.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Happy New Year. ♥

  6. Paddy was sure a dreamy kitty!
    Clearly a vision test. If I go back in 5 minutes , I won't see them again!

  7. Wow! Those puzzles totally tricked me. And your handsome angelic boy never fails to make me smile. Blessings, my dear.

  8. Those big green eyes! Such a good head bump photo.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....