Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pretty Floof

It's Caturday!

A sweet pic of Luna Negra, artified with Prisma, Blooming filter.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!
It's New Year's Eve; enjoy yourselves, and be careful if you are out and about.

Friday, December 30, 2022

2023 Fat Cat Art Calendar

So excited to get this in the mail,

Artist Svetlana Petrova has the incredible talent to improve artwork with her beautiful, photogenic cats Celestial Zarathustra, Tyger, and David Bowie. 
Tyger, in the vase, as Celestial Zarathustra watches.

David Bowie as pussy willow fluffs!

Zarathustra in a Paul Gauguin's 1892 "When Will You Marry?"

Celestial Zarathustra was playing in Vincent van Gogh's 1888 "Artist's Chair"...

...and I was standing in front of the unimproved version just a few days ago at the "Van Gogh in America" exhibition at the Detroit Institute of Arts!

To order your own, or other wonderful artwork:

Previous posts:

I purchased 2023 Fat Cat Art calendar for my personal use.
I only post about items that I believe others will enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Luna Negra

So very thankful for fosters, and those willing to help.

Let me introduce Luna Negra, who appeared on a friend's front porch recently.

She was hungry, covered with matted fur, plus various ride-along insects.

Luna is about two years old, was spayed when found, is playful and warms up to humans in a trice.

She's a lap cat.

Luna will probably be happier as an only cat, and perhaps without small children around.

Her fur is the softest fluff you've ever touched.

Luna's foster is in Metro Detroit, Michigan, and some transportation can be negotiated.

What a cute wee princess; look at those whiskers and pretty eyes.

Please share this post; one never knows.💖

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


It's Sweetnesday!

Our outside-now-inside kitty isn't grooming as she once did.

She has fur clumps all over her flanks.
One or twice a day I break out the comb to gently work at them; it's her undercoat fur, and it is surprisingly light in color.

Sweetie allows about five minutes for these ministrations, before those murder mitts give the signal that she's had enough.

No doubt, she's feeling stiff and not as bendy as she once was, so her ablutions are at a minimum.

Am not asking for advice; she's an old cat, and pilling her with pain meds causes more stress than leaving her be, and mixing something into her food hasn't been successful either.

She has her heated spa bed, and she enjoys laying on the hardwood floor in the spare bedroom, next to the heat vent.

Have put a soft towel down, and a plush beddy, but she only wants the floor.

As you wish, Queen Sweetie.

I don't like it, it's not about me, is it?

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Can't Help It!

It's Twozday!

I make no apologies; sorry not sorry!

Manny and Chili Bruce sleeping in formation will always draw my camera.

Get your fill of them being cute, as they while away their time as the humans are stuck inside due to the frigid and wintry conditions.
The Da Boyz sleeping style:
1) Head to head
2) Rear to rear
3) Tummy to tummy
4) Separate but matching
 5) Paws on each other

Monday, December 26, 2022


It's PO'Monday!

Images from Catmas meals for our 'O' Cats,
starring Celestial Paddy O'Malley, Celestial Sammy, and Now-Inside-Only Queen Sweetie the First.
During this incredible frigid weather, we currently have no cats to administer to outside.

But I'll always feel the delight in being with these lovely cats, even when the weather was less than hospitable. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Meowy Catmas!

While those in the Northern Hemisphere are hunkered down, avoiding the cold and snow, 
we at Eastside Cats wish all a joyous season, and hopes for a wonderful 2023.

All images copied from the interwebs and posted for the entertainment
of our readers only.

Saturday, December 24, 2022


For your Caturday entertainment:


He was on top of the refrigerator, and chose to pose for me, with a bit of a glare.

The Porthole filter on Prisma did this:
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop! 
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Catch Up

I've gotten most of my 'hengey' hilarity out of my system.

Well, for now.

However, our posts have been cat-light, so here are hot-off-the-press photos.
Da Boyz
Seriously, they are just too adorable!
Pondering Queen Sweet the First, is pondering.
After rain, we had wind, snow, and very cold temps.

Hoping you all out there in blogland are safety tucked up!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Now it's Winter!

Let's celebrate Winter, by using the three main food groups:

Meat Henge or Porterhouse Steak Henge
Potato Henge or Chip Henge
Beer Henge
Am thankful that there are others out there, with the same sense of humor as my own, making Stonehenge replicas out of whatever is on hand!

P.S. The Hubby and I are vegan (plant-based), although our three carnivores get only canned cat food; the best that we can buy AND that they'll eat.

All images copied from the interwebs and posted for the entertainment
of our readers only.

Winter solstice 2022 in Northern Hemisphere was yesterday.

Many ancient henge sites are mysteriously aligned with the sun on the winter solstice, such as Stonehenge, UK and Newgrange, Ireland.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


As a religious holiday, the winter solstice is also known as Yule, and celebration
of this day predates Christianity. 

While Druids, Romans, and Norsemen all celebrated the sacred nature of the solstice centuries ago, many modern Pagans and Wiccans consider
this an important religious holiday.  

A yule greeting to you all:

"The light is reborn this winter solstice, may your heart lift with the joy of new beginnings and nature's blessings."

Modern Stonehenge image.
Modern image of Avebury, the 2nd most famous stone circle in England.
All images copied from the interwebs and posted for the entertainment of our readers only.

Winter solstice 2022 in Northern Hemisphere is at 4:47 PM on Wednesday, 21 December, Eastern Time.

Many ancient henge sites are mysteriously aligned with the sun on the winter solstice, such as Stonehenge, UK and Newgrange, Ireland.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Last Day of Autumn

Let's make fun of tomorrow's solstice!

Butter Henge
Mushroom Henge
Marshmallow Henge
All images copied from the interwebs and posted for the entertainment of our readers only.

Winter solstice 2022 in Northern Hemisphere is at 4:47 PM on Wednesday, December 21, Eastern Time.

Many ancient henge sites are mysteriously aligned with the sun on the winter solstice, such as Stonehenge, UK and Newgrange, Ireland.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Kitten Therapy

16 years ago, Celestial Angel was a kitten, and she was a real cutie.
We called her our 'cow-colored' kitty.

The Hubby and I considered 'cow' names for her, like Elsie or Betsy.

But cats tend to pick their own names, and Angel was purrfect for her.

Except for the time at the vet's office, when there were three Angels waiting in the lobby:
Angel the cat
Angel the bunny rabbit
Angel the dog

chag Hanukkah sameach
May you have a warm and joyous Festival of Light.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Colorful Duet

Da Boyz, artified by Prisma.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!