Monday, July 26, 2021


The World's Premier PO'Monday post, from inside Eastside Cats!

"What's all the fuss about?"
Dearest friends,

It happened in a blink.

The PO'M was at the back door, and it was raining.

I opened the door, knelt, and gave him head scritches.  He inched closer, then closer.

When Paddy got his front feet inside, I threw caution to the wind, and pulled him inside.

Picking him up in my arms, I walked through the house, up the stairs, and into the closed off former kitchen area of Sweetie's apartment.

Yes, Paddy O'Malley is INSIDE!

Unplanned, unexpected, and mind-boggling.

He's eating, drinking and using the litter box.

He'll stay sequestered until he sees the veterinarian.

I am chuffed!



  1. OMG That's amazing! I'm a huge fan of Paddy O'Malley. I fell like I known him in real life. I'm happy to hear such great news :)

  2. OMC! That is amazing and wonderful and absolutely awesome! Paddy is INSIDE - YAY!

  3. What wonderful news. He's going to love being inside with you. I know he will.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. I’ve been following this adventure so far on Facebook. It is a great start; his reaction is almost anticlimactic. “What’s all the fuss about,” indeed!

  5. Well done! I hope the *whispers* vet visit goes well. :)

  6. I am too. May he get to go soon. XX

  7. That really is most wonderful and we're darn Paddy happy too!

  8. Oh my mouses, what GREAT and WONDERFUL news! If only Peepers could pull that off with Saffron. purrs

  9. Woo Hoo and way to go Paddy O'Malley! Purraying that all goes well at the vet.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto, Oliver & Lily

  10. Wo9w, that was not what Paddy was expecting, LOL! But after the vet, who knows he may LOVE being inside with you for laps and cuddles on demand!

  11. DOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH EM COD

    FOR REELZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

  12. That is wonderful news! I had hoped, and was sure it was only a matter of time.

  13. OMG! I was so happy to see you posting this on Facebook over the weekend. This is just the best!

  14. THis is the best!!! best best best!!! omg

  15. YEAH!!!!!! What wonderful Monday news! Can't wait to hear more! Great day for both of you

  16. Well this is a surprise! I hope he adjusts to life on the inside.

  17. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Let me go pick up my jaw from the floor. Good job!

  18. That is such good news! Maybe he will decide to enjoy the indoor life now. XO

  19. WHAT??!!!!! OMD/OMC that is FABulous!!!!! Doin' some happy zoomies nows....
    okays, back....WooooHooo!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Great news. He will be much safer inside with you!

  21. We are so chuffed too. Paddy will be safe and warmand always around for cuddles and snuggles. Oh the absolute joy. Now we hope he will love The Great Indoors.

  22. Whoa! I never thought I'd see the day! Yay!!

  23. Oh, Paddy Waddy, there’s no place like home. Inside that is.

  24. WooHoo!!! What a happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you enjoy life on the inside Paddy!
    It really is better :)
    Purrs, Julie

  25. A dear friend did the same: 10 years ago. Today she is owned by the most loving and gentle boy one could ever hope to have as a companion, a constant lap cat and traveler with her. They are "furever". It does happen, with patience and love.

  26. PO'M that is SUPER NEWS! We are so glad you are all set up inside and will go get checked out. What happens next we don't know but we know it will be wonderful no matter! Purrs big fella

  27. HURRAH fore Paddy O'Malley!!! Clevurr man cat!!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


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