Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sweetie and I Endure the Roofers

Seriously, those guys are making a ton of noise!
Sweetie naps
Sweetie ALWAYS takes my spot when I get out of bed!


  1. It's been horribly cold here the last two days, so all the cats are inside and snuggling close.

    Elza Reads

  2. You are a cutie Sweetie! Those hammering humans are not cute at all.

  3. Sweetie they are loud and OMCs so heavy handed.
    I hope it is a quick job
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Think how nice it will be this winter when the rains and storms come and you're all warm and cozy under that new roof.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. guyz....a new roof inn stall...IZ a lotta noiz but hope full lee onze itz finished... ya willna bee abe bull ta heer burd song !! ;)

    hope everee onez doin grate; sneekin round bloglandz been hard thiz week ;) ☺☺♥♥

  6. Of course she does, it's warm and it smells like her beloved Mom! Sympathies on the noise, it will eventually be over, promise!

  7. Yes that noise is awful, but sometimes one has to endure to get to the prize which for you will be a fine new roof over your keep you dry and cozy.

    Enjoy your bed nap, Sweetie!

  8. Ohhhh that is one of the worst ever noises. I remember when Toby, Leia and I had to endure the roofers in our rental. I stayed home with them so they wouldn't have to go through it alone.

  9. All of our neighbors have had their roofs replaced and that was loud. I can only imagine how loud it must be when it's your house. Luckily it lasts only a few days.

  10. I always sit where papa gets up from after sleeping.

  11. Sweetie is totally relaxed that kitty is one cool customer

  12. I remember the roofing very well. It was terrible. That was LOUD Sweetie! Katie always is in Y place too.

  13. Holy moley, that's loud!! Sweetie is so brave not to hide (and you, too!). Why, somebody here just hides when a doorbell on TV rings!

  14. well it could be that its her spot Right?

  15. Oh, I remembers all that noise! Not funs at all fursure! Butts, at least you'll have a nice cover for the winter! Paws crossed they finish soon! If you're lucky, you gets roofers with some rhythm, and it becomes somewhat soothing...that's what Ma said at least....🙄
    Ruby ♥

  16. The warm vacated spot in the bed is always the best spot.

  17. Sadie: We had roofers come once. It was terrible!

  18. The least they could do is hammer in sync with each other! Harley always takes my spot too.


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