As I sat on the bed this morning, Chucky suddenly ran into the room, and made like a badger running into it's den with the bedclothes.
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I slid back under, and petting him gently, telling him he's alright; it's all alright! I advised The Hubby to make a floor check, and yep, some bits of stuff that Chuck usually leaves in the litter box was found. Obviously, his tummy or intestines were upset, and he crawled under the blankets to soothe himself.
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Fortunately, this drama was short-lived, because when I opened a can of cat crack (known by most folks as: BFF Tuna & Tilapia Twosome Recipe in Aspic Grain-Free Canned Cat Food) a short while later, Chuck ran out from under the covers and right up to his breakfast bowl. Since then, I've had no other reports of problems; hopefully Chuck is back up to snuff again.
In the past, Chucky under the covers meant lots of laundry, if you know what I mean. When we see the veterinarian next week, we'll discuss this latest event, which is probably a nothing-burger. Will admit, it was very nice to have five full minutes alone with Chucky all snuggled with me in the bed, even ifbut that's a bit selfish.
Have a terrific weekend! 😸