Thursday, July 11, 2024


Your warm wishes and comments are overwhelming; thank you all for your love and support.
 From Zoolatry
From Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

 As I work from home, Celestial Sweetie was my all-day companion.

If she meowed, I'd stir her food bowl to make it more enticing.

If she jumped onto the bed, I'd lay down next to her for a brief time-out.

If she voiced her opinion of my online conference calls, my co-workers would call out her name.

If she wandered to the spare bedroom to nap on the cardboard, I'd sneak a peek through the partially open door to make sure she was okay.
Celestial Swee Wee, from late June 2024.

We'll tell more of her story later, suffice it to say that she was a braw lassie, with plenty of fight in her every single day.

She was small.

She was tough.

She was a lovebug.

She was unique.


Let's Hop!

Brian's Home Blog


  1. Yes indeed, there is now such a huge emptiness in your workaday and esp in your heart.
    May all the many memories you made over the years give you much comfort.

  2. When our loving pets are our constant companion, it is so difficult to let them go on. She'll never be forgotten.

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Your Celestial Sweetie at least knew what true human love and care felt like.
    She lived a good life, not initially but then you came into her life to make up for things missing.
    It is never easy to lose one of our love bugs...
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. We are so thankful that you and Sweetie found each other ... and that you shared her with us!

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing Sweetie's story over the years, we fell in love with her too. May she run in fields of nip over the rainbow bridge with her buddy PO'M.

    1. Thank you; she was a force to be reckoned with!

  6. A dearly loved member of the family. The place she had will in her home still be there for her in memory and your heart.

  7. I love how she used to leave you smiley faces in her food bowl. She was very unique. XO

  8. We are so thankful that you shared your Sweetie with us. I know the emptiness is tough. Hugs. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. You sure gave your Swee Wee a loving home and I like the image of her reuniting with her friend Paddy. They must be having a blast and looking forward to greeting all their loving family and friends down the line. Hugs, my dear.

  10. She took a piece of a lot of hearts with her, including a bit of mine.

  11. Losing these constant companions is tough, very tough...

    1. Amen, John...Angel Renn and Angel Sweetie were each with us for many years.

  12. Gone in life but forever living on in your heart. Sending big hugs.

  13. da tabbies o trout towneJuly 12, 2024 at 2:55 PM

    sweetie, you are one of THE awesumest gorgeouz
    feral to happy forver home gals, we have ever known. You are and always will be a friend to all of us here in trout towne, and we thank the stars that brought you to mom and dad-and “ de east side “ we will miss you, never forget you, and hope you’ve met up with friends there in heaven.
    with hugs and loves, always 💖💖💖💖💖

    dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull and de gurl laura too.

  14. What a special companion Sweetie was to you, and you to her. Thank you for loving her so much, and for sharing her here with all of us. Hugs and purrs to you.

  15. Oh no, we are so sad to hear about your dear Sweetie's passing. Please accept our belated heartfelt condolences. We're sending big warm hugs and loud loving purrs your way. This is so heartbreaking, but you know that Sweetie will remain in your heart forever.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....