Friday, July 12, 2024

Walk On The Wild Side

Some recent images of the wildlife found in my 'hood:

Star, napping on the front porch.
This is NOT her house!
Monarch butterfly dropped in for a visit as I strolled down the sidewalk.
Adorable Torty, and I've forgotten her name.
Using the neighbor's porch like it's her own!
A deer, who stayed on the other side of the street and ahead of me.
Not a great pic of a  groundhog, as 'dem critters can move mighty FAST when they want to!


  1. Its great to see a monarch these days!!

    And yes deer and groundhogs seem to be almost everywhere!
    Those kitties like to check out to see if the neighbors have better napping spots than at their own plces, LOL!

  2. Love your wildlife. I have yet to see a Monarch in my milkweed. Hope they are doing OK this year.

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Star seems to feel 'at home' there in her pretzel position!
    Such a monarch butterfly up close is always a treat.
    Torty also looks quite at home on the neighbor's porch. Porch looks a bit dilapidated though.
    A deer and a speeding groundhog is quite a bonus on that walk!!!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Fun to join you on your walk ~

  5. That's a fine collection of cutie critters!

  6. Mom said we had another BIG deer outside the fence here again.

  7. wavez two ewe naybor kittehz and …sew phil….got any thing ta…say….bet KNOT…when haz ya ..rite ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™

  8. We were so furry sad to hear of Sweetie's passing, She was such a part of your blog. We love your post today of the wild life. We have a ton of it here. The Nutmeg is asking me if I could catch her a groundhog instead of moce, she thinks it would be too big for Mom to take out of her mouth...she does not know how good Mom is at getting things out of mouths....
    Thanks for stopping by! We love it when you visit. Keep being awesome. Marvelous Marv

  9. Cute kitties and how cool you saw a monarch and a deer. XO

  10. We have deer who wander through our city, right downtown. A couple of weeks ago, there was one behind my apartment building as I came home, and was no more than ten feet away from me, quite unperturbed.

  11. And I like how the neighbourhood cats try out the various houses for comfort.

  12. Oh, please be safe driving when deer are active. Well, all wildlife can be a driving hazard and hitting a critter made me cry more than once over the decades. ~sigh~ Great images, my dear!

  13. Deer and groundhogs right there in the neighborhod, wow!


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