Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Not Looking!

It's Twozday, and they've decided to not look.
This last pic is funny, as they appear like carbon copies!

Henry is very curious about Da Boyz, by the way.

We think that's a good sign.


  1. Dearest Vicky,
    Lovely images of Chili Bruce and Manny!
    That reminds me of our Dido boy and Spooky, his real brother. Now we only have Spooky... His two sisters also are still alive.
    Henry no doubt knows the two and is at ease with them nearby.
    We have one skittish neighbor cat and he loves to come near the house looking for our kitties but is oh so scared. Tried several times to lure him with a treat but he just runs off.
    Had to handdeliver some mail the other day, two homes down the street and his so–called Mom said that he is feral. NOT true, just not allowed in the house and I guess hardly any human interaction. So sad!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. That would be good if Henry decides to get closer. And looking at the back of your boys is almost as good as looking at the front.

  3. LABEL: are you REALLY challenging us to GUESS who is who ... like is the left kitty CB and the kitty on the right M ... or vice -versa? Surely you jest! When we know FUR SURE most the time you cannot tell these boys apart!

  4. You boys always look good even when not looking!

  5. They are most handsome even if they don't look at you.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. Maybe Henry is wondering if he is seeing double ;)
    Da boys are in purrfect sync ;)
    Purrs Winnie

  7. I was wondering why the boys think of Henry?

  8. Such cuties. Maybe Henry can move in. :)

  9. Your neighborhood strays looking for a home could not do any better. ~hugs~ And your boys are gorgeous, as always. Be well!

  10. Maybe Chili Bruce and Manny are the Welcome Henry Committee?

  11. When you don't want to pay attention to the flashy box, you just don't and that's all.

    I'm glad they and Henry are interested in possibly getting to know each other.

  12. There was no way they were going to give you the satisfaction, was there?


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....