Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Good Bye

Sweetie earned her angel's wings yesterday afternoon.

It was time.

A constant in our lives since mid-2009, she enjoyed her retirement years inside and was pampered.

Queen Sweet the First
Swee Wee
Shrimpy O'Hollaran
Miss Growly Pants
Mama Cat
Drumstick Thief

Farewell, little one.

A tiny cat leaves very big holes in our hearts.


  1. I'm so sorry to read this...my condolences to you as you mourn this sad loss.🥰❤️🌈❤️🥰

  2. Dearest Eastsidecats,
    So sorry to learn about Sweetie girl!
    She at least knew true human love and shelter and that is what counts.
    Fond memories will forever reside inside our hearts.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. You gave her a wonderful life and she thrived as an inside cat. Big hugs sent to you.

  4. This is indeed sad news. Your sweet Sweetie is now an angel to go and visit with the Paddy O'Malley. She will be greatly missed in your home.

  5. Farewell, beautiful and Sweet forever. May sunshine and warmth always shine upon you.

  6. I'm so sorry, Vicky. We're so glad that you and Sweetie found each other - and that you shared her with us so we could love her, too!

  7. Such sad news. We always, always enjoyed seeing that Sweetie and she really was a Queen. Hugs from all of us.

  8. So loved and missed
    White patch of fur on your chest
    Eyes of Green
    Ebony fur
    Treasured friend
    Incredibly loving
    Everyone's friend
    Sending gentle hugs to your humans
    Cecilia aka Mom of Angel Madi

  9. Sweetie, rest well in heaven gorgeous girl, we will miss you and never forget you. We totally understand how hard this is for mom and dad, and we understand when it’s time for St Francis to lend a hand, on the journey to start the “ tenth “ and for ever life. We send hugs and loves, we are truly sorry 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull and the food gurl laura

  10. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby.

    Love and healing hugs to you both. ♥

  11. Farewell Sweetie! She will live on in your heart. Comforting purrs.

  12. Oh noes! So very sad and sorry to read this. Sweetie was just so darn, well, Sweet. Many purrs to you, and thanks for caring for her so well. We shall watch for her tailio in the northern lights. Love from Finland(N)

    1. She had a short tailio, but am sure she'll be swishing it around up in the sky! Thanks.

  13. I am truly so very sorry. We all of us here know this sadness and loss. Sending hugs and care to you in this very hard time to get through.

  14. we r so sorry fur your loss. who will run the queendom now? The queen haz left dee building! long live dee queen swee wee!!! now her and paddy can hang owt together agin!!!

    1. Yes, The P'OM will be glad to have his old friend to hang out with again.

  15. We will miss Miss Sweetie. She had such a big personality! Thank you for giving her the "retirement" she so much deserved.

  16. Such sad news. I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. I am glad she chose retire inside. XO

    1. When a former feral cat loves you, it's a very special bond.

  17. Oh so sad to hear about your Sweetie ~ our fur babies never stay long enough ~ break our hearts when they leave ~ Lots of hugs to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss of Sweetie. I know how special she was to you. Thank you for taking care of her and getting her to spend her last years inside knowing love and comfort. ~Sue

  19. We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved, Sweetie. Huge hugs♥

  20. Oh Sweet One... Your time may have come and you have earned your wings, but your spirit will remain forever in the heart of everyone who loved you.

    The Chans

  21. We are so sorry to read this, but we know how much love she knew, even before she became an inside kitty. She and Paddy O'Malley are runited.

  22. Oh no. We're so sad to read of Sweetie's passing. It's clear how special she was, and how much you loved her (and how much she loved you back). Thank you for sharing her with all of us. Sending you love, purrs, and all good thoughts as you remember your beloved Sweetie.

  23. While I have not known her long, I have also come to love all the friends I've met in the Cat Blogosphere. My heart aches for your loss.

  24. Replies
    1. She was so small, but fierce. I've learned a lot from her.

  25. Sweetie will always be in your heart along with all the good memories. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  26. Oh no. I feared that her time was coming but I didn't think it would be so soon. Thank God she was taken in and spent her last years in comfort and love. Godspeed, Sweetie, Godspeed.

  27. We're terribly sorry to learn of the loss of your sweetie. Wishing you peace and comfort.

  28. When a soul leaves its mortal body, it is lifted by the wind unseen by adult human eyes, which have been cleared of the ability to experience magic. The soul floats to the nearest river, then rides the current until it enters the River of Life, which gently carries the soul to Rainbow Bridge. The new angel emerges from the water, having discarded all the pain and sorrow of mortal life (often transferred to those mortals nearest to them,). The soul then crosses the River of Life via the Rainbow Bridge and is reunited with their predecessors who loved them while they were mortal; then, a glorious reunion takes place. Their predecessors teach the new angel how to dream visit, to inhibit the bodies of furry and winged creatures so the angel can watch over their loved ones. So, if you see a bird or little animal watching you, or wake up from a dream feeling light of heart, know your angel has been with you. Death is not the end, it's a temporary separation, and if you never stop loving the angel, you will be together again in a place called Rainbow Bridge

    1. You've brought tears to my eyes.

    2. Same here. :( It never gets easier but please take comfort in knowing all the love you've spread in your local community and beyond. Hugs, my dear.

  29. I'm so sorry about Sweetie. She really did live up to her name.

  30. Oh, oh, oh, we are so sad for your loss and yet so glad for Sweetie in her new home. Perhsps she and Loulou will meet...and what a lovely life you gave to her inside your warm and wonderful house for her last years. So so sorry.

  31. So sorry for the loss of your purrecious girl Sweetie. Fly free beautiful Soul✨ Soft Pawkisses to comfort you all🐾😽💞

  32. We are so sorry. Dear sweet Sweetie, may you always feel love wherever you are. Run fast and fly free, little girl.

  33. The pack here sends gentle wooos, safe travels kit-cat.

  34. Oh no...so very sorry to learn your sweet kitty earned her angel wings. I'm sure Angels Norman & Sam met her with tail wiggle and are showing her around. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort your way. 💔

  35. This is such sad news. Sweetie was a very beautiful cat. I am so sorry for your loss 😿

  36. Oh, I am so sorry to read about Sweetie. She was loved and had a wonderful retirement with you. Sending big hugs.

  37. Oh no....we are heartbroken for all of you and sending purrs and hugs

  38. We're so sorry Sweetie has gone OTB. We're sending lots of comforting purrs.


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