01 July, 2024

Happy Canada Day

1 July is Canada Day!
Eastside Cats has a special affinity for Canada, as we live close to the border, and are even a bit North of the Southernmost bits of Ontario; see map below.
We grew up listening to radio stations from Windsor, and tuned in CBC TV too.

Am sure that Canadians feel like they have rowdy and uncouth 'neighbours' to the South, yet we Americans will be ever grateful for the hospitality provided to travelers who were housed and fed when the United States closed our airspace on 11 September, 2001.


  1. Thank you for these comments for our Northern Neighbors in the memory of that day. I hope they have a good celebration.

  2. Dearest Eastside cats,
    Indeed, they often have been our closest allies in times of need!
    Wishing all of them a Happy Canada Day!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian pals!

  4. Yup, we are enjoying Canada day!
    It is nice and sunny and warm!
    For a cat it is purrfect! MOL!
    Purrs Winnie

  5. Well, mama lived in Canada when she was young and LOVED it. Calgary was a wild town with a stampede celebration each year and the rivers Bow and Elbow flowing through the city. Yay, Canada!!!!!

  6. Happy Canada Day. We love our Canadian friends.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. Some of the funniest people are/were Canadian. I still miss John Candy. ~sigh~ And with a quick bit of research I learned something new; Leslie Nielsen was born there. :) Be well!

  8. That's right: Detroit is actually north of Windsor. Boy, it must get cold there in Motor City. Come south to sunny and warm Windsor!

  9. I enjoyed the lovely weather here in SW-MI as I celebrated my homeland's Canada Day.I hung out the flag and then mowed the lawn...the only noise here, LOL!!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....