Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Sound of Silence

Let's Go Quiet.

Loud noise is harmful to wildlife, animals, and to humans in so many ways.

Fireworks are warlike, angry, and it's time to STOP.

Below is a video that I captured while at my local July 4th display, and it was breathtaking.
However, it's dangerous to our environment, unhealthy to many who are affected by the noise and flashing lights, and again, it's a reminder of WAR.

Fireworks were embraced by our early politicians, when the United States of America was newly minted.

Okay, that's fine...but we've grown up.

Time to focus on peace, quiet, and embrace each other with pride and love instead of banging away like we are watching cannons shoot at the enemy in battle.

Time to embrace our fellow creatures and our ecosystems.

Put the needs of those without voices to be heard above the racket.
My thoughts: Let's silence this tradition.


  1. Aside from the noise that disturbs wildlife and scares our pets, what about the waste of money?
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. I dislike fireworks too. Thankfully the only neighbours we have are other farms.

  3. I realized soon into my young adulthood, that fireworks were not good. I do not like the noise myself at all. I see what it has always done to my pets, so multiply that by millions of all animals and it is horrible. Parades during the day, picnics and family fun is the way to celebrate.

  4. I'm sure the sentiments in this post won't be shared by everyone, but sensitivity to and concern for others is most certainly something sorely lacking these days, more than ever before.

  5. That was definitely a spectacular show. Mom did not turn on the sound. She loves watching fireworks, but the noise and smoke bother her lots. Unfortunately, we don’t think most Americas would be willing to let this tradition go. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  6. dee mum haz neber liked dee firewerks. they put fire in dee handz ov stoopid peepullz. in dee lass 2 weekz owr surrounding area haz had at leest 10 grass fires, go figure..........

  7. We mostly agree with you about the fireworks, but we do have to say that when we lived in Vancouver, Mom used to go to the Festival of Light (it is a giant fireworks festival every year where teams from around the world compete) THey each have sound tracks that they coordinate the fireworks too and as they set them off from barges in the middle of the harbour, the music (on local radio stations and broadcast from speakers) mutes the bangs and it quite something to see!
    Our village volunteer fire department does fireworks and for us country hicks, it is a exciting. Mom will make sure that we are all inside and after my experience last year, you can bet I will be in the basement under the sofa in the man cave! As we are so close to the border, we will hear the bangs of fireworks and shot guns on Independence Day from our US Neighbors and we will be inside that night too!
    Keep being awesome guys! Marvelous Marv (and Mom Barb)

  8. https://hairballsandhissyfits.comJune 30, 2024 at 1:09 PM

    i agree with you about fireworks. We do have them sometimes in Canada but I don't think nearly as much in the US but I am still fine with stopping using them for the sake of the animals!

  9. We, too, do not care for the fireworks. The noise and smoke are so disorienting and scary for animals and for many veterans. We wish that there could be a new tradition of silence, for sure.

  10. I hate fireworks. They are illegal in my state, but people just go to NH for them. XO

  11. It's a great idea, try convincing those who love the noise. They won't stop. It's illegal here and they still won't stop.


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