13 June, 2024


Always thankful for the hundreds of images snapped of Celestial Paddy O'Malley.

Purrfect or poor, they bring a smile to my face.

These bloopers are from June, 2014.

What a cat he was!

Too much 'exposure'
The weirdest place he ever sat, inside the cast iron planter.
Too shady for our cheapo digital camera.

Let's Hop!

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Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Oh, so true about such images not being purrfect—they do make you relive fond memories.
Indeed, what a cat Paddy O'Malley was!
Mariette + Kitties

PS woke up with no power and now it is back on... The airco is running again and soon I can go back to sleep.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I biggified and could see him better. The term goof ball was made for him!

Smudge said...

Aww, what sweet P O'M memories. Me and dad got a chuckle out of the too much exposure thing.

Lynn and Precious said...

Fun photos. And I love seeing the Great P O sitting in the flower planter.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

pudgy Paddy!!!

Catscue said...

Paddy was such a personality, I never tire of seeing old photos of him - even the bloopers.

John Bellen said...

The last one made it look like he was in a bird-bath, lying amid the water-lilies on a hot day.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 says that looking through old photos brings both smiles and tears.

The Chans

pilch92 said...

PO'M was such a love.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I understand that, Paddy always makes me smile too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh how I love getting to see Pom!

catladymac said...

A perfect reason why you never delete a photo - even if it is nit very good, there wi come a time when it will spark a warm memory.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You have always been such a happy cat.

Darla M Sands said...

Awww... Thanks for sharing these precious memories.