Saturday, June 08, 2024

Wood Poppy

It's Caturday!

After a recent rainstorm, I snapped an image of the wet leaves of the Wood Poppy plant in our front garden.

Changing it to noir, it's now the wallpaper on this blog.

Then, I played in Lunapic and liked this color combination.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

By the way, we regained power after 25 hours without.

Not too bad; when it lasts days, it's a drag, man!

Chatted up a few utility workers, the firedudes several times, and a city engineer who told me about his upcoming wedding and tour boat on the Rhine honeymoon.
Let's Hop!

Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!


  1. The wood poppy makes a lovely wallpaper. I am glad your power wasn't off for too long.

  2. That's beautiful color in your wood poppy photo. Good news that you have your power back on and I guess the other good thing was that you didn't end up with one of those nasty heat waves that seems to come right on the heels of a storm.

  3. That's so darn pretty, love the blue hues!

  4. How cleffur, the way you turned the picture of the leaves into wallpaper. Furry arty indeed!
    25 hours without power?! That sounds awful!

  5. Very pretty.

    We live on Florida's Space Coast not far from the space center. When our city was built, it was mostly people working on the space program which is where Satellite Beach came from. We're on a barrier island.

  6. Fresh rain on leaves is always nature at its best. Yes, being without power is a bother. A full day is enough.

  7. It beautiful wallpaper that I hope stays around a while.

  8. This is really gorgeous art.Totally worth framing or using as an overlay over a cat photo. Mom’s started the puzzle, and says, “thanks.” XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  9. Very pretty art. That was a long time to be without power.

  10. Wow, that really is beautiful art. So glad you got your power back!

  11. That photo is gorgeous! I hope you all managed to stay cool during the power outage and glad you got to chat with different folks. We had some super nice guys doing utility work in our neighborhood. While I'm glad it's done I rather miss talking with them. :) Best wishes!


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