Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Global Summer Bros

It's Twozday!

Despite the heat, Da Boyz choose to be near each other.
These photos were taken in the front room of the house, which once was an exterior porch.

In the warm Summer temps, we separate this room from the cooler, air-conditioned rooms, and Da Boyz seem to like the heat.

Plus, there are lots of windows and a door, through which they watch outside critters.
You can tell them apart in these pics, can't you?

Brown: CB
25 June is Global Beatles Day

A few comical meme's for our readers; very tongue-in-cheek!
A joke from the 1974 film, "Young Frankenstein".


  1. Have fun, beatle day. It looks like the two boys just enjoy each others company so much. And lots of Windows to look out of, that's great.

  2. Da Boyz are always cool no matter the weather!

  3. Da Boyz are sweet brothers that stay so close!
    They enjoy a happy life together—one can tell.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. da tabbies o trout towneJune 25, 2024 at 9:24 AM

    doodz….heet iz good…but then therz hotter N a stove terned on high 🥵🥵🥵
    stay kewl….thoze beatles memez R grate ‼️😺🐟💙

  5. Your front room looks like a cozy spot for Da Boyz to enjoy the warmth and watch critters outside! It's great they have such a comfortable place to lounge. And yes, I can tell them apart in the photos - CB has the brown coloring, right? 😊 Happy Global Beatles Day! Read my new post.

  6. Da Boyz are so handsome. I love how they love each other. It shows.

    Love all the funnies. I laughed out loud.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. Um, sure, I can totally tell them apart. Stay cool, boyz!

  8. I can't even tell my ginger boys apart from the back. :)

  9. The memes absolutely cracked me up. Thank you for sharing them and photos of your sweet boys. Be well!

  10. Most cats seem to prefer being warm to being cold or cool, at least to an extent. I'm glad the boys like each other's company so much.

    Love the Beatles funnies!

  11. Oh, wow, we can definitely tell the Boyz apart in that picture!


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