Wednesday, June 26, 2024


For Sweetnesday, here is a photo of Sweetie actually eating!

Nope, it's not a fancy, well-staged image, but the sight of it makes me happy.
Sweetie won't eat more than a few licks for days, then miraculously digs into both her wet food and the dry kibble again.

One never knows what she'll do next.

Thankfully, her weight is good, and the fretfulness of making sure she eats may be all in the mind of the food-giver.

She gets a dab of appetite stimulant once a day, rubbed into her ear.

So, let's take a look at Outside Cat Sweetie, from June 2012.

I was already in love with her back then, before she'll allow me to touch her.
Look at that face!


  1. Good to see her eat. She has a sweet face.

  2. You know, I can go all day without eating even a bite, and then dad will get up at stupid o'clock as he does and my dish will be completely empty. And yes, that is such a Sweet face!

  3. Sweetie has always been a sweetie, it's pretty darn obvious. Good for her on the days she's willing to eat a fair amount of food.

  4. It always makes moms feel better when the kitties eat well.

  5. You are adorable Sweetie and keep enjoying your foods on your terms!

  6. Sweetie has the prettiest eyes!
    Our Tiggy–Tiger is like her and she eats very little but looks good.
    As our kitties age, problems arise with digestive and kidney problems and I only wish they could really talk to us!!!
    Mariette + Kitties

  7. sweetie…who kneadz fancee N well staged when ya
    got a tastee rite then N ther! YAY for con soomin yur nomz..
    keep up de grate werk 💖🐟😺‼️

  8. She's a cutie pie and I'm glad her weight is good. We know about loving them before we can touch them. We have two house panthers that were outside and abandoned. We're lucky to have them both as you're lucky to have Sweetie.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  9. A Sweetie, indeed. :D And hurray for a good appetite! I understand your concern. ~hugs~ Be well!

  10. Your mama loves you and provided a table for you and your neck...I loved seeing it and your face back in 2012.

  11. We moms and some of the Dad's are hardwired to fret over our kittie's eating. It's so crucial.

  12. Glad she is eating again. Does she get Mirilax or something to prevent constipation? I know that can make them not want to eat. XO

  13. I wonder if it Sweetie's case, the appetite stimulant has an accumulative effect...

  14. We love this photo of Sweetie. Hooray for a good eating day, too. :)

  15. I'm so glad she's eating enough to keep her weight steady. She's precious.


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