04 June, 2024


4 June is Hug Your Cat Day!
Wait a minute...it's Hug YOUR Cat Day, not Hugging Cats Day, Boyz!
From 2006; The Hubby hugging Celestial Angel 
From last weekend; it's hard to take an usie when a big lunk of a kitty is asleep in one's lap!

My arms are too short.

AND, you'll notice, we are in the contentious chair that is MINE, but DA BOYZ often take over for their own nefarious purposes.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 tells us that the hug champion here was her first Aby, Ikkyu. He would actually put his paws around her neck and hug her. He would even sleep like that!

The Chans

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Sweet photos with lots of kitty love and loving kitty from human to kitty...
Oh, they claim everything in the home and we KNOW that we are their servants.
Mariette + Kitties

Lynn and Precious said...

Fun pictures and a good holiday, hug your cat.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs to all the special kitties everywhere!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

happee hugs two ewe doodz and sweetie N henry two 💙💚🐟😺

Mickey's Musings said...

I kinda like hugs. With mum I don't stand a chance.
She is the biggest hugger of all ;)
Purrs Winnie

pilch92 said...

Sweet photos.

Sandee said...

Awww, I love all the shots and it's always a hug your cat day here.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Can't beat a cat hug!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Who wants a hug?

M Dawson said...

We love Hug Your Cat Day! Got to be the best day of the year!

John Bellen said...

A couple of mine would have something to say about being hugged...

messymimi said...

Some cats love hugs, some, not so much. That's okay, there are enough that do to go around.