27 June, 2024

I Read Like It's My Job

I love to read and to listen to audiobooks.

Am so very thankful for the public library, otherwise I'd have to get a second job to fund my reading habit.

Some books that I've enjoyed recently:

Ray Clark's DI Gardener Series, Books #1 to #6 (#7 to #11 are not yet available at the library)
Kelley Armstrong's "Finding Mr. Write"
Ron Chernow's "Alexander Hamilton"
Andrew Cartmel's "Death in Fine Condition", Book #1 in his The Paperback Sleuth Series
M. A. Frick's Fate Unraveled Trilogy
Fez Inkwright's "Botanical Curses and Poisons"
Nicci French's "Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter?"
J. Bree's The Bonds That Tie Series

Give me a good mystery, whether it's a police procedural from the UK, a fae princess defending her kingdom, thrillers, wizards fighting crime, true crime, dragon-riding soldiers fighting dark forces, or magical cats who catch the baddie!

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Lynn and Precious said...

I love all the caption cartoons that you posted. I love books and I have since I was about 4 years old and my mother made sure I was starting to learn my alphabet. And of course cats are number one.

The Florida Furkids said...

Great 'toons. Mom doesn't read as much as she used to.

Darla M Sands said...

I'm like the Florida Furkids mom, sad to admit. Somehow, I *purchased* many e-books that didn't seem worth finishing. ~sigh~ Whether it's me making poor choices or whatever, I've been meaning to go back to the library. ~nods~ Thanks for sharing your list and these cute cartoons. Happy reading!

Catscue said...

I love those! I am also very thankful for libraries!

Brian's Home Blog said...

So, I'm guessing you like to read LOL! A perfect thing to be thankful for any old day. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Katie Isabella said...

I am an every day reader...can't not read.

pilch92 said...

I am thankful for the library. I love books too.

John Bellen said...

There's no substitute for a good book; good cats are a category of their own...

messymimi said...

There's just never enough time to read enough.

Three Chatty Cats said...

I just started book 12 in the Cork O'Connor series by William Kent Krueger. Have you read them?