Saturday, June 01, 2024


1 June is World Outlander Day

Am a huge fan of the books, and am enamored of the TV series because I can nab the DVD's from my library.

Adso is a recurring character in the story, as the cat who has likes and dislikes of certain visitors, which make for some funny plot twists. 
Here is a video of when central characters Jamie and Claire Fraser adopt the fluff nugget Adzo into their household.
Enjoy an Adso jigsaw puzzle!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess.


  1. That looks interesting, I hadn't heard of that one LOL!

  2. Alas, We were unable to see the video - and We have neffur seen Outlander.

  3. I haven't seen Outlander, but anything that has a cat has to be good. That is a sweet video.

  4. Someday we need to binge watch that. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  5. THAT is so Cool! Thanks for sharing with us! And I gotta let you know, we have missed being around! Thanks for stopping by and we send yous all hugs, whisker Kisses and Head Bonks! Keep being Awesome!
    Purrs Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Cinnamon, Jo Jo and Mom Barb

  6. I never saw a single episode; we're too busy watching YouTube videos my husband finds. lol But thank you so much for that adorable, heartwarming clip. Be well, my dear.

  7. Oh, we have to check that out! That clip is great. :)

  8. We decided TV was too much for our budget long ago so I haven't had the pleasure of seeing this. It certainly looks like their feline friend adds a lot to the show.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....