Monday, June 24, 2024

Cat World Domination Day 2024

Cat World Domination Day is always 24 June, the birthday of Celestial Sparkle.
Click on the image above to visit Summer's Fabulous Cat Life to learn more.

 Cat humans already know that our feline friends dominate the world.

The Eastside Cats speak out:
Manny: "YEAH!"
Chili Bruce: "Huh?  There's a bird..."
Swee Wee: "Seriously, you are bothering me about that?"
Henry: "Hmmm...let me respond to that after a rest in the shade."
There you have it, folks!

Cats know that they rule the world, whether they really want to or not.


  1. MOL, MOL!!! You all made me giggle!

    Hey, the temp right now here is 59F!! We had a lovely not humid/hot day!! A little warmer for Monday, but not sweltering. Hooray! But...more of the UGH later...sheesh....

  2. Haha, Chili Bruce doesn't want to be bothered by it...
    Sweet Wee also likes to continue living in her dominion.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. It's a great responsibility but we can't simply have to do it. You humans are just two nuts to make things work right. Precious

  4. Boo on our Mom for making us miss this great day.

  5. Cats dominate the world every day. As it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. We used to be regular followers of Summer's blog, and Sparkle before that, but were very disappointed when they decided that they would stop commenting on anyone else's blog. We found it a bit sad. We have always thought of blogging as a two-way street.

  7. This should be celebrated every day. :) XO

  8. They treat it as a fact, and let it go at that.

  9. I can just imagine kitties thinking, "Yeah, whatever... You human servants are only learning this now?" lol Best wishes!

  10. My cats rule here and know it implicitly.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....