Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mellow Fellows

Da Boyz don't care a fig if the roofing crew is making a racket, while throwing stuff around and clanging ladders.

As long as they have each other, life is grand!


  1. Aw, they are right about that too. So precious they are.

    Have a purrfect day you two. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. Boyz, you are way braver than we are. When the cooler guy was on our roof, Izzy beelined under the couch and I had to spend all day looking for toys behind the bookcase! (Mom claims the guy was finished after about 2.5 hours, but she's been known to fib about stuff like that.)

  3. You boys are calm, cool and collected...together!

  4. They are the coolest cats around that fur sure! Love the second photo. What cuties

  5. The boys are so wonderful together. Our little ones would be under the bed if they heard all that noise. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals Bethayres

  6. I'd be hiding for sure if there was a bunch of noise. Today there were guys here washing the windows outside and I hid under the bed! ~Ernie

  7. Oh boys, you make my mom wish she could just give you both smooches.

  8. THe boyz are a great example to me. I will envision them tonight when the neighbors dog begins to bark like he always does . Breathe breathe, sleep like a cat

  9. We'd go outside and bark em...till we get our way and they leave...BOL!
    You kitties sure are 'chill'!

  10. That first picture looks very artsy, something European...


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