Thursday, October 05, 2017

Thankful Thursday: My 2018 Fat Cat Art Calendar

"Gustav Klimt, The Kiss, true version"
"Diego Velazquez, Las Meowninas, or Fashion victim"

"Andrea Mantegna, Oculus. In Search of Lost Time and Dinner"

"Vincent van Gogh, Sunflowers are ginger kittens"

"René Magritte, The Treachery of Images. Ceci n’est pas un chat"

"Rosso Fiorentino, Musical Angel-Cat"

I have fallen in love with Zarathustra, the large ginger mancat who is the muse (mews?) for artist Sveta Petrova.  If they weren't so far away in Russia, I'd be visiting them in a heartbeat!

Sveta deliciously adds images of Zarathustra to famous artwork, which improves said art, in my humble opinion, (and so says the website!)  Above are a few photos of the 2018 calendar pages, and I could not be more delighted.

Am so very thankful that my calendar arrived recently.  I can gaze at Zarathustra to my heart's content.

Go to Fat Cat Art (in Russia) or Contrado (in U.K.) to buy wonderful images, scarves, bags, books, and more.  There is a 'Mona Lisa With Her Cat' shirt in my very near future, you can bet your boots on that!

Disclaimer:  I love FatCatArt, and have received no compensation, nor any coupons, no not NUTHIN' for my enthusiastic post.  

We are Blog Hopping Today!


  1. OMC, that is hilarious! We have the site open in another tab and are just so tickled that we may have to spend! Plus, Izzy can finally say, "See? I'm not as fat as that!"

  2. This is awesome! Especially the one where he's dressed up in a medieval dress.

  3. That is one cool calendar. You could probably frame some of those pics after the year is over.

  4. Too cute! I love fun cat calendars and buy a few each year even though I can't use them all :)

    1. Could you let me know where you bought them? I’ve searched on line and have not found them, thanks!

    2. Maria, am pretty sure the calendars are sold out, but you can correspond with the artist at

  5. That looks like a nice calendar.

  6. What a cool calendar!
    We can see why you like it :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  7. Ya gotta love those, they're purrfect. Thanks again for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. What a pawsome calendar! Art is always better with kitty in it :-)

  9. What a great calendar. I love February's photo!
    Have a good weekend.

  10. Hmmm ... we have two fat cats here ... the artwork is really creative ... and makes for a truly unique product.
    We agree that everything is better with the addition of a feline!

  11. Mom wants one! That is super cute! I would love to meet Zarathustra! I bet we could be pals fur sure! I purr-sonally think that the original artists would have chosen cat(s) as their muse(s), but they were paid to use humans as subject matter, instead. Tee hee hee!

  12. OMC! Our Mom LOVES this! Guess what we know she'll be doing all day! Have a good weekend!

  13. That's awesome ! And that's exactly the right gift for grandpa ! Thank you so much for letting us know about that calendar ! Purrs


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