Friday, October 27, 2017

Good Halloween Fun!

AB dressed as a cat,
wearing a notice that says,
"If Lost, Please Return to Vicky"

My costume
Today the office had it's annual Halloween party for all employee's children.  Everyone was encouraged to dress up in costume, adults included.

Imagine my surprise when AB dressed as one of 'my' cats!  Her badge read, "If Lost, Please Return to Vicky"!  I guess lots of folks know of my proclivity for helping strays.  Who knew?

Is that the most heart-swelling gesture EVER?  Such a huge surprise, and all I wore for a costume was a second-hand sweater with a cat on the front, and cat earrings.


  1. That was so darn cool but we hope she doesn't get lost!

  2. oh she is PRECIOUS!!! Just adorable!! You have to be sooo proud! catchatwithcarenandcody

  3. Ha ha ha, that made all of us laugh!

  4. That is so cute! Your costume made our mom laugh.

  5. That is just so cute and so nice. Good for a good giggle. Have a good week end.

  6. AB has a fun costume, especially the tag. Your sweater is beautiful.

  7. That's funny, what a clever costume. Your sweater is cool.

  8. It seems you've got yourself a little reputation, hehe! Now I totally want to recruit someone to do this for me this Halloween.

  9. I think AB’s costume is the best! The badge is so clever and charming :-) And your kitty sweater is very cute!

  10. I love your sweater and AB done ya proud.

  11. It's so sweet! I think it was such a great idea :)

  12. Oh my gosh, that is too funny! How sweet!


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