Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy 36th Gotcha Day!

Yesterday's sky
36 years ago, The Hubby and I went out on our first date, to a costume Halloween party.  We've been an item ever since!  I was dressed in my great-grandmother's long dress, velvet hat and elbow-length gloves.  He dressed as a plumber, with fake tattoos and a plunger hanging from loop in his overalls.

This year, our loving household is concerned for Chucky, so no dinner out or bowls of giggles.  Just quiet petting and heaps of love and warmth.

Love and warmth to you all, as the seasons change.



  1. Happy Gotcha Day you two! Purrs to sweet Chucky from all of us.

  2. We were all grins with that post title! Happy gotcha day to you and the Hubby! We will keep Chucky in our thoughts as we hide tonight.

  3. Happy Gotcha day to you two ! We're purring for Chucky. Purrs

  4. What a fun way to get gotted! :)

    Lots of purrs for Chucky.

  5. Happy Gotcha Day to you and your hubby - Purrayers and POTP for Chucky.

  6. Happy Gotcha day you too!!!!
    Lots of purrs and prayers for sweet Chuck too!
    Happy Halloween !!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
    and mum Nancy

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, you two! And our best purrs for Chucky.

  8. Happy Gotcha Day to you and your hubby. I am sorry Chucky is not well. XO

  9. Happy Gotcha Day to you. My husband and I met at work when I brought some Halloween cupcakes to his area. A coworker suggested we get to know each other and that seemed like a believable excuse to introduce myself. It's been only 17 years for us, so we have a way to go.
    Purrs for Chucky.

  10. Happy Gotcha Day to you both. Sending healing thoughts to Chucky.

  11. So cool that your first date was on Halloween!! Happy Anniversary! :)
    So sorry to hear about Chucky. I don't know what all is going on, but I'm here if you need a friend. Hoping and praying he gets better soon. <3

  12. Happy Gotcha Day to you and your hubby, what a cool first date.

    Healing purrs for Chucky.

  13. Congratulations on your gotcha day! Sending healing thoughts and prayers to Chucky.

  14. Oh! Congratulations! :)
    And I'm sending you a lot of purrs, hugs and positive energy to Chucky :*

  15. Happy gotcha day to you and your husband. Wow, 36 years, that's wonderful! Purrs for your sweet Chuck. xo

  16. Happy Happy 36th gotcha Mr. and Mrs. Right day.
    WTG keep up the good work for 87 more years
    Hugs madi your bfff

  17. Awe, Happy 36th anniversary! How fun that your first date was on Halloween.

    Paws crossed that Chucky feels better soon!

  18. guyz...a most happee annie fur sarry two yur mom N dad...heerz ta 36 mor; a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health N chuck dood, blessingz frum R pal st francis two ewe buddy; all wayz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  19. I love this. Just really love it. And sincere happiest Gotcha Day to the two of you. XXX

  20. Happy Gotcha Day to you both!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....