Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Rotten Photography

It's Twozday!

Snapping cutesy photos of Da Boyz can be a trial.

The camera lens captures something completely different from what my eyes see.

I try different colors, different focus, and snap a dozen photos to pick out one or two that I like.

Here is an example of my poor photography skills:
Used 'mono' setting...
I think the flash went off here...
...and this one is blurred!
If you can see the back feet on one, and front paws on the other, then at least I've conveyed the cuteness of Da Boyz!

If you cannot, then chalk it up to my inability to use my phone's camera talents appropriately.

Or the fact that Michigan in Winter is grey and sunless; when Spring arrives, perhaps better lighting will make all the difference!  



  1. I've never seen a bad picture of Da Boyz. Never.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  2. It's a really cute photo! Black cats are just so hard to photograph!

    Tama and Benny

  3. The cuteness is there, all right. I've noticed how tough it is capturing any definition in a black cat since Hector came. And the fact that I work for most of the daylight hours means that most pictures have to wait until the weekends to be taken.

  4. Eric and Flynn are right. They ALWAYS look cute.

  5. Those photos (and kitties) look pretty good to us !

  6. We all know what cuties the boyz are! At least they don't get all hammy when the camera is out (not that either of us ever do stuff to make it impossible to capture us).

  7. Yup, the same trouble with the darkness of the hooligans faces...and furs.
    And where is the sun anyways...it showed up for a bit on Sunday, but now its rain and snow and sleet...blech!

  8. Hey cool- you and my dad share poor photography skills! No matter, I love all versions of these two beautiful feline specimens.

  9. It's really hard to take a good picture of black cats. Either the surroundings are too bright or the cats are too dark. I'm also struggling with photos of Amaya, pics are good only when there is sun outside and the whole room is bright.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....