Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Volunteering at All About Animals Rescue

This sweetheart is available for adoption!
Her fur is as smooth as silk, and she LURVS to lay in your lap!

Landscape clean-up

Assembly-line feral cat shelter creating!

Yep, that's me!
I wore a bright yellow bandana instead of a scarf...

Each year, the global-wide company where I am employed encourages everyone to volunteer at local charities near their place of business throughout the week.  I was team lead for an afternoon at All About Animals Rescue in Warren, Michigan.  We assisted with landscape updates and clean-up outside, and built feral cat shelters inside.  I've volunteered with AAAR several times in the past, and have taken their TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) class. 

Some of the other charitable work my office is doing includes building bicycles, working in a resale shop that funds a women's and children's shelter, making blankets for the homeless, giving a hand at a food bank, and be part of the set-up crew for a large animal adoption event at the Detroit Zoo.


Today, as we remember the terrible events of 9/11/01, it's the perfect time to reach outward to others.  Give others a hand, share a smile, put in effort with those around you.  Love like this makes this country shine and prosper, but we don't do it alone or in a vacuum. 

Seventeen years ago, I sat in the company television station, as an attendee of a newsletter workshop.  Once the first plane hit, all TV screens were on, and we witnessed the coverage from every direction.  The surreal aspect of it all; the shock...I feel it all again today.  My heart goes out to all directly affected by the attacks, and believe this country can rise above anything, because we are good people in our core, who share and care for each other.  What the newspapers, talking heads or social media 'report' means nothing, because it's what's in OUR hearts that matters. And then we must do it! 

Love, for our fellow humans, our fellow critters, and for The Earth, is where it's at!


  1. What a wonderful thing for your office to do!

  2. I need to improve my own feralcat hotel. I'm using a cardboard box with cut to fit foam insulation siding inside. What is the silver stuff you are using, and what adhesive to make it stay in place?

    I too remember Sept 11. I will never forget the shock and horror of that day.

  3. How cool that you chose All About Animal Rescue as your charity to help. What a fun time.

  4. Volunteering for a great cause! So many people wish better for cats and do nothing to make that a reality. Thank you!

  5. That is a wonderful thing your company has you do and you chose a great place to do it.

  6. That was a wonderful place to help out, bravo you!

  7. That is so cool And what a gawjus kitty. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  8. My human thinks it is so important to give back. That's why we do therapy cat work.

  9. I love that your company promotes volunteering! And I love what you said about it being in our hearts that matters.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....