15 March, 2021

Sunny Tabby


 Although it's bright and sunny, the temperatures are cold.  The PO'M likes to sit on my lap and drowse.  

My effort at being a convenient cat bed wars with my personal need to be warm, but I tough it out, as The PO'M is a somewhat oversized heaty pad...

I often conduct phone conversations while he rests in my lap like this.

We all are hopeful for warmer days ahead.


  1. We hope you get some warmer times soon sweet Paddy.

  2. We do whatever is necessary for the kitties. It's how we roll. They are most worth it too.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  3. Sweet! I'm sure he appreciates your sacrifice. :)

  4. Wishing warm temps to you all, in the meanwhile, keep each other warm!

  5. He appreciates a nice warm lap. Hopefully warmer days are not too far off.

  6. You could be stuck doing something far worse, and I'm sure he appreciates your work.

  7. Looks like it's going to be a cold week coming up. But warmer days won't be far.

  8. Perfect--warmth from the sun and heated mom lap, too!

  9. I see nothing wrong with being an somewhat oversized heaty pad! We got a taste of warm all last week down here, but this week is back to the drab, gray drizzlies! Dad said to tell you he's right there with your hubby when it comes to avocado. He's told mom he'd eat it on every single thing he eats. It's actually one of several things he never thought he'd ever eat, along with spinach, chili with beans, chick peas (he can't get enough of mom's homemade hummus) and more. He says he still remembers waaaaay back in 1978 working in a restaurant right next to where the Yankee Candle flagship store now sits. He had to slice avocados for salads and couldn't imagine anyone even wanting to put such a thing in their mouth.

  10. The POM is just about the only thing that makes a Monday worth it!

  11. The PO'M is probably looking forward to warmer sunshine as much as we humans are.

  12. I have thought many times about you and being cold. You are the best loving mom there is!

  13. That Paddy is worth it every day and three times on Monday!

  14. Here's to hoping those warmer days are on the way!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....