Thursday, March 18, 2021

Friendly Bookmark

 I was delighted to receive a surprise package from Lethbridge, Canada.

John, from I Have Three Cats blog, knew I'd contributed to Lethbridge People for Animal Welfare, but the bookmarks were only available in purrson.

As much as I am thankful for the hard work John and the rest are doing, a trip to Canada isn't in the cards right now.

Therefore, John mailed a few to me.

Books and cats, cats and books...yippee!

Thank you, very dear friend from The North, whom I sincerely hope to visit someday.  


The Hubby and I have appointments next week for our first COVID vaccine injections.

Today, I am very thankful, and full of goodwill.

Let's Hop!
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  1. Double yay for your upcoming vaccines!!
    Once finished it is such a relief...still have to mask up but peace of mind is a biggie
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. That was very sweet of John and those are sure cute. Hooray for your vaccine schedules! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Looks like you're having a great day indeed. I'm happy about that. It's so fun to meet bloggers. Hubby and I went on a bloggers cruise some years back. So fun.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. Those bookmarks are darling - what a nice thing to do!

  5. A great thankful and how very nice of John. He is a great fellow who does so much for his fosters. We wish Dad could still travel. Darn

  6. That was very nice of John to send those bookmarks to you.

  7. Very nice bookmarks, how sweet of John to send them. Yay for the vaccine! XO

  8. That was nice of John to do. Congratulations on getting on the list for the shot.

  9. I know you'll put those bookmarks to good use!

  10. OH how absolutely wonderful. I'd be proud too!

  11. THat's so kind and so terrific!!! Nice gesture!!!

  12. How nice! And good for you for your appointments!

  13. Oh, those bookmarks are FABulous!!!!
    And YAY on your vaccine appts.!! Gpa just got his second dose today ~ no side effects at all so far!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Hurrah for jabs. We’re jabbed here in France, too, and no effects but who can tell with nutty parents like mine, haha? They do seem even nicer than before, haha. Maybe less anxious...

  15. How cool! Books and cats, cats and books indeed. Good for you on getting your vaccine set up, and we feel bad we missed Sweetie's Gotchaversary. Oh, and dad says your second comment in our last post about homemade hummus was tantalizing and he'd be all over the pickling thing (though it's a no go with mom).

  16. That was very nice of John. And yay for your first appointments!


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