Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Our Cup Runneth Over!

In an effort to make up for missing PO'Monday's post yesterday...

Anti-declawing is VERY IMPORTANT to me!

...I'm combining it with Twozday...and adding a guest mancat hunk at the end!


Proceed at your own risk... 

You've been warned...
The PO'M is enjoying the up-and-down temps around here.
Da Boyz are snugglebunnies!
And Sly from the 'hood is as handsome as ever...


  1. Aw, they are all so adorable. Cats are just the very best and they need their claws to be their best.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to all your babies. ♥

  2. Such wonderful photos of such wonderous kitties!!!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a wonderful Twozday post with so many fine felines!
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I actually saw an out of doors kitty on my walk today. Very unusual here. I'll post it tomorrow I think.

  4. What a great backdrop for a picture of the PO’M in that first image. That’s one of my favourites of his. The boys snuggling together is what family is all about, isn’t it? And Sly on his perch on the pier is a true ornament to his species.

  5. Oh,my heart! What totally handsome mancats!

  6. Awww. Oh My Cat. Gawgeous! Adorable. Bootiful.
    Pawsome. A+. More, more, more. Cuddleable.
    Love Plus. Couldn't get any better than this!!!
    We have to open up our dictionary for more adjectives ... sigh, can we have all YOUR cat as our own ...

  7. We should have listened to you. Now we have cuteness overload.

  8. Oh, wow, that IS a mancat. Regal. And I love the snuggle bunnies. Oh, for more kitties to have homes like yours. I think mama would like more kitties but uh oh, it’s not MY gig.....

  9. Look at that group of good looking kitties. Hi Sly

  10. That's a boy blast if ever we saw one!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....