Sunday, March 23, 2025

Fight Club: CB versus Book

 It's difficult to read a book when Chili Bruce wants my lap!

At least CB had his purr machine running!


  1. He is telling the book that it is in his place, so move!

  2. Great video. I don't pick my book up to start reading until Precious is actually put her head down and closed her eyes.

  3. June used to do that ... but somewhere along the way (without explanation) stopped and chose NOT to be a lap cat with or without books ... very cute video.

  4. gave ewe a pawz UP at de moovee place dood...hope mom final lee terned de page sew ewe could contin mew reedin !! :) ♥♥

  5. This is the exact view of a cat (Kozmo) I have right now, including the purrs...except I have a laptop (a little more to the right). Keep being awesome guys! Mom Barb

  6. I do that sometimes. The lap only belongs to me!

  7. Ah, the age old battle. ~nods~ I'm sure ancient Egyptians faced the same challenge and wouldn't be terribly surprised if a scholar or two chiseled a cat paw into historical tablet writings. lol Best wishes!

  8. I know that battle. And changing the angle of the book - holding it over the cat, putting it on the chair's arm, etc. - just makes reading laborious. The cat usually wins.

  9. Pay attention to me not that stupid book!

  10. Who needs a book when you've got a Chili Bruce?

  11. I can't red the screen on the iMac...can't read a book...K. is always standing on my lap, pressing her both cheeks into my lips...adding the tip of her head..and starting with the cheeks all over again and back to her head. Then, a full smooch on my mouth!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....