Sunday, September 22, 2013

Parking Lot Cat

Yesterday, I watched a husband-and-wife team attempt to walk both their dog (on a leash) and their cat (held in a towel) into the nearby pet supplies store.  However, as the dog started barking, the howling cat managed to escape the arms of his person, and hide under a car.  I had been climbing into MY car, so I quickly slammed the door and went to help.  The terrified cat wasn't moving an inch, and the man used the towel that once was a poor cat transportation device, to lay on to try to reach the cat.  I couldn't reach the cat either, but somehow the man was able to coax the cat out.  That's when I suggested they cover the cat entirely with the towel; having the world blotted out would calm her.  He did as I suggested, and I got back in my car to drive away.  The couple said that they were flea bombing the house, so the dog and cat needed baths, and this pet store has do-it-yourself washing tubs.  I certainly hope they were successful with that, but there's a lesson; ALWAYS properly restrain your cat in a cat carrier or trap or box.  That parking lot was full of people and moving cars, and a loose cat would have no chance if left out there.  I didn't take a photo, but I'll never forget the fear on that kitty's face.

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