Thursday, February 16, 2023

Love Week Day 5: My Outside Boys

I love Celestial George, Hobo, Sammy, and Paddy O'Malley, and am thankful for their presence in our lives.
George, 2008
Discovered in my office parking lot; I spent time before work, at lunch, and after work with George.
On the weekends, nearby friends fed him, and these are dear friends we still have today.
We finally figured out how to trap him; he was neutered and placed with a loving family.
George was named for the building security guard who'd brought his existence to our attention.
Hobo, 2009-2015
Hobo appeared in our yard not long after George was adopted.
Hobo never allowed us within a few feet, even when he once was covered in burrs.
Hobo escorted Sweetie to our food bowls, when she was heavily pregnant, but neither of her kittens looked like him.
Hobo would walk up and down the alley, and we later learned that he had other homes who fed him.
Sammy's appearance didn't bother Hobo, but when Paddy O'Malley arrived, Hobo stayed away from our yard to live at one or two of his other homes, with whom I kept in touch.
He just disappeared in the end; still makes me very sad.
Sammy, 2010-2014
Sammy always looked a bit disheveled.
He once wouldn't put weight on one of his front legs, and we trapped him to get him to the vet; an abscess, caused by a bite.
Later, Sammy's mouth seemed bad, and he was losing teeth.
Once again, to the vet for a dental, but the vet said he was too sick and infected for the procedure, so he was the first kitty I'd helped over The Rainbow Bridge.
Sammy was named 'New Guy', but when The Hubby went to pick him up from the low-cost spay/neuter clinic, he forgot 'Guy', and dredged up the name of his grandfather instead.
πŸ’—Paddy O'Malley, 2011-2021πŸ’—
Once Paddy discovered food, water, and shelter in our yard, he never left.
At first a bit shy, he became a love-bug, and was the only cat (so far) to NOT run away after being released from the carrier after being neutered.
The PO'M often had injuries; huge tufts of fur missing, or he'd scratch himself raw.
We trapped him several times, to get him to the vet, and the vet staff never quite believed that he was a community cat as he was the perfect gentleman while in their care.
I tried to coax him inside year after year, but he'd only step in just so far, before bolting back out.
In summer, 2021, I simply grabbed him from the porch during a rainstorm, et voila, he was inside.
I was over the moon happy, until he crashed and was too sick to go on.
The Hubby claims that he thought up Paddy's name, but he's mistaken.
I had traveled to Ireland in college, and Paddy's fur was the color of a poured pint o' Guinness, with eyes like Connemara marble.

Rest in Peace, my lovely, much-loved outside boys.
Let's Hop!

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  1. Even if it's just for a short while, lending a helping hand to outside cats is such a wonderful thing to do. We loved our Trav who was our outside boy for about 15 months.

    The Chans

  2. I love what you're doing...every kitty needs a special person like you.

  3. Those sweeties! You all were really fortunate to have found each other! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Beautiful kitties, I am sure they are eternally grateful for all the help you offered and gave to them...esp the love!

  5. Precious little innocent lives, and thanks to you and your husband, loved and cared for.

  6. Such beautiful boys, I'm so glad you found each other and shared those cuties with us too!

  7. What a lovely tribute to these special kitties.

  8. The outsiders sometimes cause us more anxiety than our insiders. Sigh...

  9. George, Sammy, Hobo and Paddy have all given you their love and trust and have touched your heart. Thanks so much for sharing your Outside Boys with us! You are AWESOME! Purrs Marv and Barb

  10. George, Sammy, Hobo and Paddy have all given you their love and trust and have touched your heart. Thanks so much for sharing your Outside Boys with us! You are AWESOME! Purrs Marv and Barb

  11. What sweet boys they all were and so lucky to found you taking care of themπŸ’— We know how it feels when they disappear at once. Not knowing where they are and what become of them is the toughest😿Extra PawkissesπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  12. I love that George was named for the building security guard.

  13. You are a mensch. ~nods~ So is your husband. Blessings, my dears.


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